People born in Rio de Janeiro are called Carioca. The word Carioca originates in the old Tupi natives language and translates by “the house of the white man” by mixing kari (white man) and oka (casa).
The first Portuguese establishment in Rio was a stone house situated where it is now Flamengo beach and the Indians called this place karioka.
Every day at 12:00 lunch is served.
A Carioca woman cooks and comes to the beach to sell it so we have some kind of a subscription now.
With 3 meals we have enough food and even feed the dogs. They have their own food, but they prefer ours.
A dish is $2,5 and it is vegetarian food.
Today we had rice with black beans and squash sauté with farofa on top.
Yes, South Americans eat rice and beans. Although in Romania we eat rice and we eat beans until we came to Brazil we never combined them, but they taste quite good together.
If you put farofa on top then it’s a real treat.
Farofa is manioc flour fried with butter and the Brazilians use it as a spice on almost anything.
Yesterday I bragged in the parking lot that we spent the day before at museums.
Another Carioca woman told us that in June the entrance at the Museum of Modern Arts is free.
What do you know, in the afternoon we called an Uber and gave modern arts tests to our kids. You wouldn’t believe the subjects they drew 🙂
“Mademoiselle Pogany” by Constantin Brancusi and a few texts by Mircea Eliade.
Did you know that the Cariocas has one of the well known Brancusi sculptures?
Neither did we.
Anyway, let’s enjoy the pictures!
And the fact that the Romanians are modern when it comes to art and that the Modern art in Rio has a topping of Romanian farofa.
Today it’s Valentine’s Day in Brazil. Today is the day when, 15 years ago, I said “yes” at the city hall.
If I had said no, today I would have been a free man.
I am kidding, but we will talk about love in a future post.
Cei nascuti in Rio de Janeiro se numesc carioca. Carioca isi are originea in vechea limba a bastinasilor Tupi si s-ar traduce “casa omului alb, prin alaturarea cuvintelor kari (om alb) si oka (casa).
Prima constructie Portugheza in Rio a fost o casa de piatra in zona actualei plaje Flamengo si indienii numeau acest loc karioka.
In fiecare zi la ora 12:00 ne este servita masa.
O carioca face mancare si vine sa o vanda pe plaja, asa ca ne-am facut abonament.
Cu trei portii ne saturam si noi si cainii!
Ei au mancarea lor dar o prefera pe a noastra.
O portie de mancare vegetariana costa 2.5$.
Astazi am avut orez cu fasole neagra si sote de dovlecei cu farofa pe deasupra. Da, brazilienii mananca orez cu fasole!
Cu toate ca in Romania se mananca si orez si fasole, pana sa ajungem in Brazilia nu le-am combinat niciodata desi se potrivesc de minune. Daca-i mai dai si cu farofa pe deasupra, ai pus-o de-o masa pe cinste!
Farofa este faina de mandioca prajita in unt iar brazilienii o folosesc ca si condiment la aproape orice.
Ieri m-am dat mare si tare prin parcare ca am ars-o toata ziua prin muzee.
O alta carioca ne-a dat pontul ca toata luna Iunie este intrarea libera la Muzeul de Arta Moderna.
Ce crezi, dupa masa am chemat un Uber si le-am dat copiilor lucrare scrisa la Arta Moderna. Ce subiecte le-au picat n-o sa credeti!
‘Mademoiselle Pogany”, de Constantin Brâncusi si cateva texte de Mircea Eliade.
Cariocile detin una dintre cele mai celebre sculpturi ale lui Brancusi. Pun pariu ca p-asta n-o stiati!
Nici noi!
In fine, sa ne bucuram de poze dar si de faptul ca romanii sunt moderni in arta si arta moderna in Rio este cu farofa romaneasca pe deasupra.
Astazi este ziua indragostitilor in Brazilia si tot astazi, acum 15 ani, am zis “da” la primarie.
Daca ziceam nu, tot astazi, as fi fost un om liber!
Glumesc, dar despre dragoste o sa vorbim noi alta data!
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