If you love without showing it you are like a day without sun. Unexpressed feelings are a blockage in fact.
When you stay with your kids around you, they will perceive you as you are. Most part of education is non-verbal and example is the most natural and efficient method. Children need for you to tell them that you love them then they need you to show them that. The same with women. With children you have to play, tickle, comfort them, talk to them nicely and make them laugh. The same with women. Children like to have something made by your hand, a toy, a drawing, a hold. Same with women.
Today I watched over three hours of youtube tutorials for long bob and balayage techniques. Because we are always on the road, Lavinia can’t have a relationship with a stylist as she would have wanted. The last time she went to a salon it was a total fiasco and a bad day at the salon doesn’t go away the next day.
Then’s when I decided I wanted to become an occasional stylist. Today I had two exams, one in cutting hair and one in dyeing. With the help of professor YouTube, I passed them both and managed to make my wife happy.
That’s right about what love is about, showing that you care.
Daca iubesti fara sa arati esti ca o zi fara soare. Sentimentele neexprimate sunt blocaje de fapt. Cand stai cu copiii pe langa tine,tot timpil, ei te vor prelua de fapt. Cea mai mare parte a educatiei este nonverbala si exemplul este cea mai naturala si eficace metoda.
Copiii au nevoie sa le spui ca ii iubesti dupa care au nevoie sa le arati. La fel sunt si femeile. Cu copiii trebuie sa te joci, sa-i gadili, sa-i mangai, sa le vorbesti frumos si sa-i faci sa rada. La fel trebuie si cu femeile. Copiilor le place sa le faci ceva cu mana ta, o jucarie, un desen sau sa-i tii in brate. La fel le place si femeilor.
Astazi am petrecut mai mult de trei ore uitandu-ma pe Youtube la tehnici de balayage si cum se tunde “long bob”.
Daca suntem mereu pe drum, Lavinia nu poate avea o relatie cu un stilist asa cum si-ar dori. Ultima oara cand a fost la coafor a fost un fiasco total si o zi proasta la coafor nu trece intr-o zi! Atunci am decis sa ma fac stilist de ocazie.
Astazi am avut doua examene, la tuns si vopsit. Cu ajutorul Domnului profesor Youtube am reusit sa le trec si sa-mi fac sotia fericita.
Cam despre asta-i vorba in dragoste, sa arati ca iti pasa.
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