The championship was supposed to last until the 28th, but it ended today. This is surfing, if the ocean helps you, you finish sooner.
Good weather, nice waves and here is Felipe Toledo sliding through the waves in the final with South African Jordy Smith and finally winning the golden board. If I tell you that the girls’ winner is Australian Sally Fitzgibbons, with the second runner up Hawaiian Carissa Moore, you’ll say that I turned the travel diary into a sports one. Only for the moment, after all, it was the World Surf League Championship.
We loved the competition and we were unhappy with its early finish. The competition was thrilling and spectacular and the parties and the holiday atmosphere completed the picture of an exceptional weekend.
Saquarema got empty just as quickly as it got full and we remained the hot shots of the empty parking space.
We enjoyed a quiet evening and a walk with pets on the beach. Piccolina is our Italian Greyhound that is really a dwarf of its breed.
Well, she’s not only a dog dwarf, she also has some mental issues, like a canine autism, but we love her as if she was normal.
It’s a little uncomfortable that we have had a dog for almost two years that we cannot touch or she will tremble, but we got used to it.
Only Lavinia can touch her and she barks at anything and anyone. This is a good thing when we leave her in the car, it’s like leaving the alarm on.
Yesterday I almost halved the cat. When I slid the door of the car, she jumped out and I, unfortunately, caught her tail.
An unhappy accident that scared the kids and made me into a monster. We hear an awful meow and I pray that if I open the door the end of the tail won’t fall off.
I quickly open the door and fortunately the cat runs away in one piece.
Now when she hears the door sliding she jumps and runs away.
We now have subway-like announcements: “Attention, please, hold the cat, the doors are closing!”.
Campionatul a fost anuntat pentru 20-28 Iunie dar s-a terminat astazi. Cica asa-i in surf, daca te ajuta oceanul, termini mai repede!
Vreme buna, valuri frumoase si iata ca Filipe Toledo a alunecat mai usor pe valuri in finala cu sud africanul Jordy Smith, si castigat placa de aur.
Daca va mai spun ca la fete a castigat australianca Sally Fitzgibbons in fata hawaiancei Carissa Moore, o sa spuneti ca am transformat jurnalul de calatorie intr-unul de sport.
Ok, doar pentru moment! A fost totusi o etapa din Campionatul Mondial de Surf.
Ne-a placut foarte mult campionatul si ne-a parut rau ca s-a terminat mai repede.
Competitia in sine a fost emotionanta si spectaculoasa iar petrecerile si atmosfera de vacanta au completat tabloul unui week-end de exceptie.
Statiunea Saquarema s-a golit cu aceeasi repeziciune cu care s-a umplut, am ramas cei mai tari din parcarea goala.
Ne-am bucurat de o seara linistita si de o plimbare cu animalele pe plaja. Piccolina este ogarul nostru pitic care a iesit pitic.
Bine, nu este doar pitica, are si niste probleme psihice, un fel de autism cu un psihic de limita as putea spune dar o iubim ca si cum ar fi normala.
E un pic stresant sa ai un caine de aproape doi ani si sa nu-l poti mangaia ca o apuca tremuratul, dar ne-am obisnuit.
Nu poate fi atinsa decat de Lavinia si latra pe oricine si la orice. Intr-un fel este bine pentru ca atunci cand o lasam in masina e ca si cum am fi pornit alarma.
In alta ordine de idei, ieri era sa injumatatesc pisica.
In timp ce inchideam usa glisanta de pe lateralul masinii, Becka a sarit si din nefericire i-am prins coada.
Un accident care a ingrozit copiii si pe mine m-a transformat intr-un monstru. S-a auzit un mieunat groaznic, am deschis repede usa timp in care ma rugam sa nu-i cada coada pe jos! Spre fericirea tuturor, pisica a ramas cu coada intreaga, cam stramba ce-i drept dar speram sa se indrepte in timp!
Draga de ea, cand aude usa glisand, sare un metru in aer si fuge. Acum avem anunturi ca la metrou:
“Atentie, tine pisica ca inchid usa”!
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