Today there was the round of sixteen in the World Surf League Championship.
What a day!
We woke up early in the morning to prepare for the surf lessons. Carla, Ana, and Aris enrolled in Saquarema surf school.
I insist: they enrolled, we didn’t enroll them. They negotiated with the manager a price we couldn’t say no to and they won.
Lavinia took a few pics of them and then ran to her duty, which is the front row on the beach, where the waves hit the sand.
Each on his own, we asked ourselves why we act as if we work as official staff of the championship.
We didn’t find a logical reason, it’s just fun!
I supervised their surf lessons and then ran quickly to the championship as I was eager to see what was going on.
There have been hugs when the Japanese’s heat won, Felipe Toledo threw us into cheers as if Romania national team qualified for the World Championship and in the end Gabriel Medina made me call my dad.
All his life my dad was a little sensitive to the beauty of things and there have been more than a few times when he applauded in tears tv shows like The Voice.
I used to go out of the room, that much he got on my nerves. I used to mumble through my teeth “You are so labile, Dad!”
I called to tell him that I was much like him, I applauded in tears when Medina won, although a week ago I didn’t even knew him.
What can I say more, I won’t say anything more, I’ll be back with the quarter-finals.
Astazi au fost optimile de finala la Campionatul Mondial de Surf.
Ce zi!
Ne-am trezit cu noaptea-n cap sa ne pregatim pentru clasele de surf. Carla, Ana si cu Aris s-au inscris la scoala de surf din Saquarema.
Subliniez ca ei s-au inscris, nu noi. Au negociat cu patronul un pret pe care noi sa nu-l putem refuza si le-a iesit pasenta.
Lavinia le-a facut cateva poze si a fugit la datorie, adica in prima linie unde se sparge valul pe plaja.
Separat, si eu si ea ne-am intrebat de ce ne comportam de parca suntem angajati sau platiti sa facem poze atat de serios la acest campionat.
N-am gasit un raspuns logic doar ca e misto!
Eu i-am supravegheat la orele de surf in continuare si dupa am dat fuga la campionat ca imi ardeau talpile de nerabdare sa vad ce si cum.
S-a lasat cu imbratisari cand a castigat Japonezul bateria lui, Filipe Toledo ne-a facut sa izbucnim in urale de parca s-a calificat Romania la Campionatul Mondial si la final, Gabriel Medina m-a facut sa-l sun pe tata.
Toata viata tata a fost mai sensibil la lucrurile frumoase si nu de multe ori aplauda plangand la emisiuni gen Vocea Romaniei.
Eu ma ridicam si plecam din camera, ma enerva teribil. Mormaiam printre dinti doar pentru mine: “Esti labil rau bai tata!”.
L-am sunat sa-i spun ca seman cu el, am aplaudat plangand cand a castigat Medina si acum o saptamana nici nu stiam cine este!
Ce sa mai zic, nu mai zic nimic, revin cu sferturile.
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