Brazil is a very developed country, sexually speaking.
The girls officially become women at the age of 15 when there is held their biggest and most important party, the dance of the debutante (baile de debutantes).
At 15 she enters a new phase of her life where she is allowed high heels, make-up, clubs, boyfriends and tongue kissing.
Carla asks me all of a sudden today if I am aware of the fact that she’s turning 15 in 6 months.
I ask her if she wants to talk about this.
She says no.
I leave her alone.
We’ve spent our day at Tiririca Beach, Aris surfed, Ana met with two of her friends from yesterday and continued with their sand packing while Carla didn’t leave our side.
In the evening, on the setting of a magical sunset where grey clouds were tickled by pink color and the light was giving away orange hues, there comes a dusk rainbow.
The twilight background light made the rainbow look like a huge neon coming out from the ocean, stretching onto the sky and ending in the far-away mountains.
We crawled home with how hungry we were, but we resisted as a bunch of Surf-Men heroes for one more hour until the first pizza came out of the oven.
For the next hours we baked pizzas, Lavinia had wine and accompanied me with the dough while talking.
She had the idea of raising a car with one more meter in height.
Other than that, nothing, we are fine.
Brazilia este o tara foarte dezvoltata din punct de vedere sexual. Fetele devin oficial femei la 15 ani, cand se organizeaza cea mai mare si importanta petrecere, numita dansul debutantei (baile de debutantes).
Odata cu 15 ani, debuteaza o noua etapa in viata fetei in care-i sunt permise tocurile, machiajele, cluburile, prieteni iubiti si pupat cu limba.
Carla ma intreaba astazi din senin daca stiu ca peste 6 luni va face 15 ani. O intreb daca vrea sa discutam despre asta.
Imi raspunde ca nu.
O las.
Ziua ne-am petrecut-o pe plaja Tiririca, Aris a surfat, Ana s-a regasit cu doua prietene de ieri si si-a reluat impachetatul de nisip iar Carla a stat agatata breloc de noi.
Spre seara, pe fondul unui apus magic in care norii gri erau gadilati cu roz si lumina de afara batea in portocaliu inchis, a aparut un curcubeu de amurg.
Lumina crepusculara de fundal il facea sa para un neon imens si colorat ce iesea din ocean, traversa cerul si se oprea in muntii din zare.
Spre casa ne-am tarat de foame dar am rezistat ca niste eroi Surfer-Mani inca o ora pana la iesirea din vatra a primei pizze pe care am devorat-o.
Urmatoarele ore am facut pizze, Lavinia a baut un vin si mi-a tinut companie la blat, unde am tot discutat. Cica sa inaltam masina cu un metru.
In fine, in rest, nimic, facem bine.
Posted at 10:33h, 04 SeptemberMiss you!