

In Brazil, winter started showing its bad weather. Actually, not that bad because winter is epic in Brazil. The wind, heavy cloud, wet fog, angry ocean like a boiling pot and agitated birds on the sky made for a scenery depicted in Stanley Kubrick’s movies. 

This morning we walked for a few hours on the beach. We held our hands while holding our coffee with the other. 

We let our hands go only when I had to whistle for Oscar to come. 

I whistle louder than a cruise ship siren, with 4 fingers, 2 from each hand. The middle fingers meet at the corner of their nails, in a 90-degree sharp angle, I put them on the lower lip while the upper one bites the fingers from behind the teeth. 

I breathe in deeply and then suddenly blow out the air furiously. I can’t hear anything for ten seconds after that. Cool! 

Oscar hears it every time and comes back to us and we come back to us and our hand holding. 

At noon it started raining. We went into the car and force a nap. It rained heavily until evening. 

We saw a movie, “Murder Mystery”. 

Ok-ish, I laughed some. 

In the evening the rain stopped and at the restaurant near us, a guy started singing. Every Thursday and Friday evening we have live music. 

We listened to him from a bench in the near-by park. We didn’t applaud although he sang beautifully. 

The restaurant was empty. We felt bad and we ordered French fries and 4 ice-creams. We ate them on the bench in the park. 

After the concert we will watch a movie. 

It was a perfect relaxing day. 


In Brazilia iarna a inceput sa-si arate coltii. Sunt de fapt coltisori de lapte pentru ca iarna este epica in Brazilia. Vantul, norii gri, ceata umeda, oceanul involburat ca un cazan fierband si pasarile agitate de pe cer, formau un tablou parca smuls din filmele lui Staley Kubrick.

De dimineata ne-am plimbat cateva ore pe plaja. Cu o mana ne tineam de mana iar cu cealalta paharul de cafea. Ne dadeam drumul la maini numai cand trebuia sa fluier dupa Oscar sa se intoarca. 

Fluier mai tare decat sirena unui vas de croaziera, cu patru degete, doua de la o mana si doua de la cealalta. Degetele mijlocii se unesc la colturile unghiilor intr-un unghi de 90 de grade perfect, le sprijin pe buza iar cea de sus musca degetele din spatele dintilor.

Inspir profund si suflu nervos dintr-o data. 

Zece secunde dupa nu mai aud nimic. 


Oscar aude de fiecare data si se intoarce catre noi iar noi ne intorcem catre noi tinundu-ne de mana.

La pranz a inceput sa ploua. Am intrat in masina si am fortat un pui de somn. A plouat cu galeata pana aproape de seara. Noi am vazut un film, “Murder Mistery”. Bunutz, am ras pe alocuri.

Seara, ploaia s-a oprit iar la restaurantul de langa noi a inceput un nene sa cante. In fiecare joi si vineri avem muzica live. 

L-am ascultat de pe banca din parcul de vis-a-vis. 

N-am aplaudat desi a cantat genial. 

La restaurant nu a fost nimeni. Ne-a parut rau si am comandat 2 portii de cartofi prajiti si 4 inghetate. 

Le-am mancat pe banca din parc.

Dupa concert o sa vizionam un film. 

A fost o zi superb de relaxanta.

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