After yesterday’s post, I was asked twice about the children’s professional future.
And if unschooling is not taking their chances to become lawyers, engineers, or doctors.
No, it doesn’t take their chances.
It is true that for some fields of professional activity, they may start later on the road to a career.
The term later appears only by comparison with the timing imposed by traditional education.
Let’s return to some aspects related to society and the role of education.
The progress of our society is based on consumption. It’s simple.
School is a qualification tool of the social mechanism. It’s simple.
In our society, knowledge is quantified in material and oriented only to the outside.
In all this, a phenomenon of dehumanization happens to man because his identity is defined only by the outside.
The problem is that man is much more than his social role can define.
The social model towards which we have evolved alienates man from the knowledge of his inner self.
The human feelings have flattened and merged with an amorphous system.
The man evolved in dissonance with the social structure, the latter becoming his straitjacket.
Why do we have specialists in all fields, but we don’t have specialists in life harmony or happiness?
Why don’t we have specialists in the meaning of life?
We live with the impression that happiness and joy are products of situations generated by having, becoming, and winning.
What if happiness is a state that you can foster, but no one teaches you?
What does it mean to know yourself outside of your name and your job?
What is the difference between consciousness, soul, and spirit?
Are we our minds?
Is the one who observes his thoughts the same as the one who produces them?
What are feelings, and how do we work with them?
Why can’t we stop breathing, heart, or digestion voluntarily? Who maintains them?
Is our body a perpetual motion machine of a cellular mechanism?
We have become philosophical zombies excited by the appearance of the new iPhone 12!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Dupa postul de ieri am fost intrebat in doua randuri despre viitorul profesional al copiilor.
Daca nu cumva unschooling-ul le ia sansa de a deveni avocati, ingineri sau doctori.
Nu, nu le ia nicio sansa.
Este adevarat ca pentru unele domenii de activitate profesionala pot incepe intarziat drumul inspre o cariera.
Termenul de intarziat apare doar prin comparatie cu timpii impusi de catre educatia traditionala.
Haideti sa revenim asupra unor aspecte legate de societate si rolul educatiei.
Progresul societatii noastre se bazeaza pe consum. E simplu.
Scoala, este o unealta de calificare a mecanismului social. E la fel de simplu.
In societatea noastra, cunoașterea e cuantificată în material si orientata doar catre exterior.
In tot acest ansamblu, omului i se intampla un fenomen de dezumanizare pentru ca identitatea lui este definita doar de exterior.
Omul este mult mai mult decat il poate defini rolul social.
Modelul social inspre care am evoluat, alieneaza omul de cunoasterea propriului sine.
Simtirea omului s-a aplatizat si a devenit parte a unui sistem amorf.
Omul a evoluat in disonanta cu structura sociala, cea din urma devenindu-i camasa de forta.
De ce avem specialisti in toate domeniile dar nu avem specialisti in fericire?
De ce nu avem specialisti in sensul vietii?
Traim cu impresia ca fericirea si bucuria sunt produse ale unor situatii generate de a avea si a castiga.
Daca fericirea este o stare care se cultiva dar nu te invata nimeni?
Ce inseamna sa te cunosti pe tine in afara numelui si a job-ului?
Care-i diferenta intre constiinta, suflet si spirit?
Suntem noi mintea noastra?
Cel care-si observa gandurile este acelasi cu cel care le produce?
Ce sunt starile si cum se lucreaza cu ele?
De ce nu-ti poti opri voluntar respiratia, inima sau digestia? Cine le intretine?
Corpul tau este un perpetuum mobile al unui mecanism celular?
Am devenit niste zombii filozofici excitati de aparitia noului iPhone 12!
In rest, nimic… toate bune!
Geo Mihalache
Posted at 14:20h, 06 OctoberAre you still writing here too or did you move permanently to Youtube? Just to know which one to follow. I love your posts 🙂
Posted at 22:09h, 06 OctoberHi Geo! Nice to see you here! 🙂
For the moment, I’m dedicating myself 100% to youtube.
When Lavinia is back, maybe I will find some time to spare.
I love writing!
Posted at 20:30h, 11 OctoberThere is absolutely no chance your kids will become doctors, lawyers or engineers… They lack basic concepts such as math, physics, history and obviously they lack the discipline that is needed in such a hierarchical rigid structure.
They could pick up however a myriad of other ways of earning a living such as arts, entrepreneurs, comedians, sales person you name it. It doesn’t mean they will be less happy.
Cheers from a doctor that quit his job and retired at the age of 40 some 11 years ago 🙂
Posted at 22:01h, 11 OctoberI hear you, Doc! 🙂
But I think that when you say “no chance”, “absolutely” becomes unnecessary! 🙂