

I tell my kids that good things happen to those who know how to wait. 

There is a storm at sea and no boat is leaving the port so the sail for whale watching will have to wait. 

I find no logic for the joy seeing a huge tail will bring to me, so I wait enthusiastically for that moment. 

Today we fried a few kilos of fish the fishermen gave us. Because it was raining we had to open an umbrella so the entire car was filled with the famous fried fish smell. I

 told Lavinia we had to do something, we couldn’t sleep in the kitchen. We were fancying the idea of burning 5 incense sticks at the same time, windows shut. 

I was having my coffee on the waterfront with Lavinia and the kids were playing in the park. A fisherman at sea started to shout and wave at us, swinging a bucket at the same time. 

Thinking that he wanted to give me fish, I said thank you, but no, thank you, we had plenty. 

I see him even more agitated, putting the bucket in the water and throwing it towards us, pointing at the car that was fumigating. 

I tell him to calm down, we were not burning the car, we were perfuming it. 

Shortly after that, another fisherman boat crosses our way and starts waving and shouting. 

I turn my head to the right, giving Lavinia a James Bond look, I stand up, I take a few steps and open the doors of the car, letting all the smoke out. 

The smoke was out, the smell, not. 

What can I say, this is what happens when you are waiting for the whales. 


Le spun copiilor ca lucrurile bune se intampla celor care stiu sa astepte. Este furtuna pe mare si nu pleaca nici un vas din port, asa ca expeditia pentru a vedea balenele trebuie sa mai astepte. N-am nicio logica pentru bucuria ce se naste la gandul ca vad o coada imensa in fata ochilor asa ca astept cu placere si entuziasm momentul plecarii.

Astazi am prajit cateva kilograme de peste ce ne-a fost daruit de catre pescari. Fiind ploaie am fost nevoiti sa punem o umbrela asa ca toata masina a prins celebrul miros de peste prajit. I-am zis Laviniei ca trebuie sa facem ceva, nu putem dormi in bucatarie!

Ne flutura prin cap solutia si dam repede foc la 5 betisoare parfumate, toate in acelasi timp si cu geamurile inchise.

Eu cu Lavinia ne beam cafeaua pe faleza iar copiii se jucau prin parc. Un pescar dintr-o barca pe rau incepe sa tipe fluturand o galeata catre noi. Crezand ca omu’ vrea sa-mi dea peste, eu ii zic ca nu-i nevoie, multumesc dar nu mai vreau. Il vad ca se agita mai tare, baga galeata in rau si o scoate plina de apa dupa care o arunca din nou cu putere si-mi face cu mana inspre masina din care iesea mult fum pe un geam.

Aaa, zic, stai linistit, n-a luat foc masina, o parfumam!

Putin timp dupa, trece o alta barca, pescarii ne claxoneaza continuu si striga cu disperare foc, foc…

Intorc capul spre dreapta si-i arunc Laviniei o privire tip James Bond, ma ridic si dupa cativa pasi deschid larg usa masinii, lasand fumul sa fuga bucuros.

Fumul a iesit, mirosul nu.

Ce sa zic, asa-i la panda de balene!

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