

Yesterday we left Rio around noon and we arrived in Saquarema in the evening.

Saquarema is a small town 100km away from Rio. We missed the right way 7 times so instead of 100 km we drove for 200.

We didn’t argue, we’ve learnt to laugh when things don’t go as planned so we laughed all day. 
This morning we woke up in hammers and cranes noises. I knew that we parked on the beach, not on a construction site, so I pulled the curtain and, what do you know, there’s construction going on on the beach.

I get off the car a little confused and I ask the workers what is going on or if I am in their way. They smile and reassure me I’m not in their way.

On Thursday there is the beginning of the World Surf League and they will turn the beach in a campsite for the week the championship takes place. They asked me if there was a Romanian in the contest. I answered with a big Pakistani smile and nodding that no, there wasn’t.

We chose to come to Saquarema for Aris. After taking his classes at Zecao School in Itamambuca, he hasn’t practiced since.

He liked it in Rio, but his mind has been at the surfboard and the ocean. Now that the capital of Brazilian surfing was in our way, why not stop and surf where the champions do?

We didn’t know we were going to stumble in the World Surf League, but now that we have, we’ll remain in the tribunes!


Ieri am plecat din Rio pe la pranz si am ajuns in Saquarema seara. Saquarema este un orasel mic la numai 100km Nord-Est de Rio.

Ne-am incurcat de 7 ori pe drum si in loc de 100 am facut 200 de kilometri.
Nu ne-am ofticat, am invatat deja sa radem cand lucrurile nu merg struna asa ca am ras toata ziua.
De dimineata ne-am trezit in zgomote de ciocane si piuit de macarale. Eu stiam ca am parcat pe plaja nu pe un santier. Dau perdeaua la o parte si ce crezi, santier pe plaja.
Ma dau nauc jos din masina si-i intreb pe muncitori daca-i incurc si ce se intampla. Razand imi spun sa stau linistit, nu-i incurc deloc.

O sa inceapa joi Mondialul de Surf si vor transforma plaja intr-un mic oras pentru o saptamana cat tine mondialul.
M-au intrebat daca participa vreun Roman la mondial.

Am raspuns cu un zambet larg si clatinand din cap ca si Pakistanezii ca nu.
Am ales sa venim in Saquarema pentru Aris.

Dupa ce si-a facut initierea in ale surfingului la scoala lui Zecao din Itamambuca, n-a mai practicat deloc.
I-a placut in Rio dar mintea i-a stat numai la ocean si la placa lui de surf.
Asa ca daca tot ne era in drum, hai sa trecem si cateva zile prin capitala surfului Brazilian, sa surfam si noi pe unde se dau campionii.
N-am stiut ca vom da peste mondial dar daca tot ne-am impiedicat de el, ramanem in tribune!

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