It rained all day today so we did all the things we wouldn’t have done if it were sunshine. Even if we don’t make plans, it’s still a decision that gets to fill our time, only that the decision is not anchored in the future of a pre-established plan, but rather closer to you and your desires.
Some friends wrote to us that we are near Aldeia and we should visit it. Aldeida is an international community that was formed by a shared project of a few families who in the last 10 years managed to create an almost perfect symbiotic space between man and nature, in the Atlantic jungle.
We spoke to them for days in a row and we came to the conclusion that we are going to dive for a month in the reality of a community life, starting September 16th.
We can’t wait, the kids are very enthusiastic. In this community, there are a lot of children and the location seems depicted from the “Jungle Book”.
We will learn there, through work, the deal around cacao, exotic plants and especially people, we will learn to be humans among humans.
Other than that, nothing, we step on the grass!
A plouat astazi toata ziua asa ca am facut acele lucruri pe care nu le-am fi facut daca ar fi fost soare. Chiar daca nu ne facem planuri, tot in urma unei decizii ajungem sa ne umplem timpul numai ca decizia nu este ancorata in viitor fata de un plan prestabilit, ci mai aproape de tine si de ce-ai fi vrut sa faci cu adevarat.
Ne-au scris niste prieteni ca suntem langa Aldeia, si ca ar trebui sa o vizitam. Aldeia este o comunitate internationala care a luat nastere ca si proiect comun al unor familii, care in ultimii 10 ani au reusit sa creeze un spatiu simbiotic aproape perfect intre om si natura, in jungla atlantica.
Am vorbit cu ei cateva zile la rand si am ajuns la concluzia ca ne vom scufunda pentru o luna, in realitatea vietii comunitare, incepand cu data de 16 Septembrie.
Noi, de abia asteptam, copiii sunt foarte entuziasmati. In aceasta comunitate sunt foarte multi copii iar locatia pare rupta din “Cartea Junglei”.
Acolo vom invata prin munca care-i treaba cu cacaua, cu plantele exotice si mai ales cu oamenii, vom invata sa fim oameni printre oameni.
In rest, nimic, calcam pe iarba!
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