

Aris wants to go to a beach where he can surf. We are staying in a small square close to the port of Jucuruçu river. The boats come and go from here to the ocean and here we can find someone to take us to see the whales. 

Yes, it’s the mating season and where do you think they come to love each other? 

That’s right, in South Bahia and I’m talking about Jubarte whales that sing 15-20-minute long songs to impress the partner. 

We want to hear the singing whales so we postponed the surf. 

Today I spoke with my father who had a quarrel with my mother. I should add they have been divorced for 30 years. 

And this time, like all other times, it’s final and my father was very upset and wanted me to call my sister who was supposed to tell my mother that he was upset… I burst into a laughter I could not refrain and after a few minutes I say 

“Wake up, man, mom doesn’t care you are upset”. 

Well, he got a little upset! ?


Aris vrea sa plecam spre o plaja unde se poate face surf. Noi stam intr-o mica piazzeta care face port cu raul Jucurucu. De aici vin si pleaca barcile catre ocean si de aici putem gasi pe cineva care sa ne duca sa vedem balenele. 

Suntem in sezonul de imperechere si ele vin sa se iubeasca unde credeti?! Da, exact aici in sudul Bahiei. Este vorba despre balena Jubarte care canta arii de cate 15-20 de minute ca sa-si impresioneze partenera. 

Vrem sa ascultam si noi balenele ce “muge” de iubire asa ca am amanat surf-ul. 

Astazi am vorbit cu tata care s-a certat iar cu mama. Precizez ca ei sunt despartiti de peste 30 de ani. In fine, acum ei cred ca e pentru ultima oara si foarte suparat tata-mi spune sa o sun eu pe sora-mea si sa-i spun ca el e suparat si ca sa o sune ea pe mama si sa-i spuna ca el e suparat…

Am bufnit intr-un ras pe care nu mi l-am putut stapani cateva minute bune, dupa care-i spun: 

– Bai baiatule trezeste-te, pe mama nu o intereseaza ca esti tu suparat!

S-a cam suparat! ?

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