Because of new social events, lately, I was asked about homeschooling and unschooling.
I come with clarifications.
We don’t do homeschooling!
When you do homeschooling, you will tend to prove that you can get something better out of your son than the system can.
You probably can, but that’s not the point.
The idea is to understand that school is pure training.
You have to understand that school is a qualification tool of a society in which knowledge is quantified in material and oriented only to the outside.
You have to understand that in this way, children grow up under the rule of authority and become adults unable to afford the inner expression of their being.
You have to understand that being alienated from their inner self, they will look for confirmations on the outside.
We do unschooling.
That is a kind of free-fall into every moment, without purpose or target.
We start from the certainty that we are passing through this life, and the difference between us is that I came before.
We do not follow the old-man’s rule, but the idea that I may have many wrong truths.
We all have a lot to discover.
We raise them freely so that they can afford to be what they are without external approval and justification.
They grow harmoniously, a harmony in which the interior is in balance with the exterior.
We educate them to be, not to become.
Unschooling cannot have a method, a recipe, or to follow a program.
In unschooling, you take life by the hand, you put your heart as a parachute, and you jump into yourself.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Din cauza noilor evenimente sociale sunt tot mai des intrebat despre homeschooling si unschooling.
Vin cu precizari.
Noi nu facem homeschooling!
Cand faci homeschooling vei avea tendinta sa demonstrezi ca poti scoate ceva mai bun din fiu-tu decat o poate face sistemul.
Probabil ca poti dar nu asta este ideea.
Ideea e sa intelegi ca scoala e dresaj in forma pura.
Trebuie sa intelegi ca scoala este o unealta de calificare a unei societati în care cunoașterea e cuantificată în material si orientata doar catre exterior.
Trebuie sa intelegi ca in acest fel copiii cresc sub imperiul autorității si devin adulti incapabil să își permită expresia interioară a propriei ființe.
Trebuie sa intelegi ca instrainati fiind de sine vor cauta confirmarea in exterior.
Noi, facem unschooling.
Adica un fel de cadere libera in fiecare moment, fara scop si fara tinta.
Plecam de la certitudinea ca suntem trecatori prin viata iar diferenta dintre noi este ca eu am venit mai dinainte.
Nu urmam regula batranului ci ideea ca s-ar putea sa detin multe adevaruri gresite.
Avem cu totii multe de descoperit.
Ii crestem liberi, astfel încât să își poată permite să fie ceea ce sunt fără aprobări și justificări externe.
Ii crestem armonios, o armonie in care interiorul sa fie in echilibru cu exteriorul.
Ii educam inspre a fi nu inspre a deveni.
Unschooling-ul nu poate avea o metoda, o reteta sau urmari vreo programa.
In unschooling iei viata de mana, iti pui inima drept parasuta si te arunci in tine.
In rest, nimic… toate bune!
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