This place that we stopped at is actually traveling.
Through the volunteering program, the community renews itself, with people gathered from all corners of the world who come to learn and teach.
The volunteers leave behind what is most dear to them and know best and take what Aldeia knows.
Aldeia knows a lot: about cacao from fruit to chocolate, about banana trees and dry toilets, massive 30-people cooking, living without internet.
Children run free and connected to nature and up to the age of 12, they are not allowed to use computers, pads or any type of screen.
Aldeia is an experience that is worth living because words rob it from its essence.
Two months ago I took part in an Ayahuasca ceremony.
A group of 12, we traveled through multiple universes guided by a cool shaman. The tea he used had a particular meaning because it was prepared when his boy was born.
I, during the ceremony, asked for more. He gave me. I asked for some more. He said: “It’s finished!”
This was a sign for him and he invited me to prepare the new batch of tea together with other shamans.
I’ve been on a diet and tomorrow I leave for three days and three nights to boil, to cut Chacruna leaves and beat the liana of spirits.
We sing, we drink and we pray. To what? To us, stars, earth, water, fire, wind, universe, family. I’ll be back in three days.
Thank you and I’ll see you then!
Acest loc in care ne-am oprit, calatoreste de fapt. Prin programul de voluntariat, comunitatea-si reinoieste straiele, cu oameni adunati de prin toate colturile lumii, care vin sa invete si sa te invete.
Voluntarii lasa in urma ce le e lor mai drag si ce stiu ei cel mai bine si iau la schimb tot ce Aldeia stie. Aldeia stie multe: despre cacao de la fruct la ciocolata, despre banani si toalete seci, gatit masiv pentru 30 de persoane, cum e sa traiesti fara internet.
Copiii zburda liberi, conectati la natura. Pana-n 12 ani n-au voie la mobile, laptop sau alt tip de ecrane.
Aldeia este o experienta care trebuie traita altfel cuvintele-i fura din esenta.
Acum doua luni, am participat la o ceremonie de Ayahuasca. Un grup de 12 am calatorin prin multiverse, ghidati de un saman misto. Ceaiul preparat a avut o semnificatie profunda pentru saman, pentru ca lotul a fost preparat cand i s-a nascut baiatul. Eu, in ceremonie, i-am cerut mai mult. Mi-a dat! Am vrut mai mult. El mi-a spus:
– S-a terminat!
Pentru el a fost un semn si m-a invitat sa preparam impreuna cu alti samani, noul lot de ceai. Am facut o dieta si maine o sa plec pentru trei zile si trei nopti sa fierbem, sa taiem frunze de Chacruna si sa batem liana spiritelor.
Cantam, bem si ne rugam. La ce?
La noi, la stele, la pamant, la apa, la foc, la vant, la Univers si la familie.
Revin in 3 zile.
Va multumesc si va astept!
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