Se7en years ago we bought Oscar. We were in Portugal for already 3 months. Lavinia was pregnant with Ana and I was in charge of the store we were going to open. I wasn’t too much at home, I painted the space alone with my associate at that time. We were on low budget and I had to put my hand on the hammer and work hard.
I was born during the Communism and at that time Romania was on a low budget, Ceausescu was paying some kind of debts. I have unconsciously kept some traumas about this issue, all I do has to be low budget!
Because of the missing time together, without friends and family, Lavinia wanted Oscar in her life! He came on her birthday!
With Becka it was the other way around, she found us. Four years ago we were on the streets of Galati ( Romanian town) buying a caravan. In the caravan, we found a little black cat with big green eyes.
The owner told us the little cat didn’t belong to him and he didn’t want her around. When I saw my children’s faces I realized that the cat was coming packed with the trailer.
They have been permanently accompanying us from that moment, giving us unforgettable moments.
Traveling with children as a way of life is great, traveling with children and pets, is a dream. I warmly recommend it and I am not joking!
The thing is, Becka got sick a while ago. We went to the vet who let us know she’s pregnant again. Saywaaa?!?! She’s still breastfeeding her little kitties, how can she be pregnant again?
Anyway! She’s just weak, she is not ill, but she has to take some vitamins to help her immunity.
Ok, we bought the vitamins which were prescribed for a month.
Why am I writing to you all about the cat now? Because after she scratched the whole family now it’s my job to put a towel on her body and insert her vitamins down the throat!
She doesn’t like it, do you know why? Because of the strawberry taste!
How to make vitamins for cats with strawberry flavor?! Why not some fish, crab, something more cat appealing?
I’m really really tired of seeing my cat running every time she sees me with a towel in my hands and I’m tired to convince Ana to stop tasting cat’s vitamins!
Cu 7 ani in urma il cumparam pe Oscar. Eram in Portugalia de numai 3 luni.
Lavinia era insarcinata cu Ana iar eu eram insarcinat cu magazinul pe care urma sa-l deschidem.
Nu stateam prea mult pe acasa, am amenajat spatiul singur cu asociatul de pe acea vreme. Eram cu bugetul redus si am pus mana pe spaclu.
M-am nascut pe vremea Comunistilor si pe acele vremuri Romania era pe buget redus, platea Ceausescu nu stiu ce datorii. Mi-au ramas in inconstient sechele cu bugetul redus, tot ce fac are buget redus.
Din cauza timpului lipsa petrecut impreuna, fara prieteni si familie, Lavinia si l-a dorit pe Oscar. Asa ca de ziua ei l-a primit cadou!
Cu Becka a fost invers, ne-a gasit ea pe noi. Acum 4 ani ne aflam pe strazile Galatiului cumparand o rulota. In rulota, o pisica mica si neagra cu ochii mari si verzi.
Proprietarul… cica nu-i a lui si nici nu si-o doreste prin preajma. Dupa fata copiilor am inteles ca pisica vine la pachet cu rulota.
Ne-au insotit permanent din acel moment, oferindu-ne momente de neuitat.
Sa calatoresti cu copiii ca si mod de viata este minunat, sa calatoresti cu copiii si cu animalele de companie, este de vis. Recomand cu caldura, fara sa fac misto.
Treaba este ca Becka s-a imbolnavit cu ceva vreme in urma. Mergem la veterinar, ne anunta ca este iar insarcinata. Ce?!?! Pai alapteaza, are inca pui, cum adica este iar insarcinata? In fine, uite-asa! E doar slabita, nu are nimic dar trebuie sa-i dam niste vitamine sa o ajutam.
Ok, luam noi vitaminele recomandate prescrise pentru o luna.
De ce va scriu eu acum de pisica? Pentru ca dupa ce a zgariat toata familia acum este in sarcina mea sa-i pun prosopul de forta si sa-i injectez pe gat vitamina.
Nu-i place, stiti de ce? Are gust de capsuni!
Cum sa faci frate vitamine pentru animale cu gust de capsuni? O aroma de pestic, ceva?
Nu de alta dar m-am saturat sa fuga pisica cand ma vede cu prosopul in mana si m-am saturat sa o conving pe Ana sa nu mai guste din vitaminele pisicii!
Valentin Huciu
Posted at 07:34h, 28 FebruaryYou made my day again guys :))) Good health to the cat!
Posted at 16:36h, 28 FebruaryThank you, Vali! 🙂