I drove my dad to the airport today. He’ll be home after two days of stopovers and flights, exactly on Valentine’s Day. He took his ex-wife, i.e. my mother, a chocolate heart from a chocolate store at Ilheus Airport.
He loved her and still loves her, although she left him years ago. He didn’t remarry or try to rebuild his life the way my grandmother wanted, God forgive her!
I never judged my mother because she left, because I understood her. Relationships are like LEGO pieces, either they fit or they don’t. Some people are of play dough consistency, and they can match anyone but deform themselves to weights. Life usually presses hard and love disappears. My mom left.
My father flew away and we went back to Aldeia where the animals were waiting for us. People from Aldeia had their own businesses.
I was thinking about Oscar how he loves us unconditionally whether we’re scolding him or not giving him food.
I wonder if the dog got enlightened!?
Other than that, nothing, we miss dad…
Astazi l-am condus pe tata la aeroport. Va ajunge acasa dupa doua zile de escale si zboruri, exact de Ziua Indragostitilor. I-a luat fostei lui sotii, adica mamei mele, o inimioara de ciocolata de pe aeroportul din Ilheus.
A iubit-o si o iubeste cu toate ca l-a parasit acum multi ani. Nu s-a recasatorit si nici nu a incercat sa-si refaca viata cum si-a dorit mamaie, Dumnezeu sa o ierte!
N-am judecat-o niciodata pe mama pentru ca l-a parasit deoarece am inteles-o.
Relatiile sunt precum piesele de LEGO, ori se potrivesc, ori nu. Unii oameni sunt de consistenta plastelinei, si se pot potrivi cu oricine dar se deformeaza la greutati.
Viata de obicei apasa greu si dragostea dispare.
Mama a plecat.
Tata a decolat iar noi ne-am intors in Aldeia unde ne asteptau animalele.
Oamenii aveau treburile lor.
Ma gandeam la Oscar cum ne iubeste el neconditionat indiferent daca-l certam sau nu-i dam de mancare.
Oare s-o fi iluminat cainele?!
In rest, nimic, ne e dor de tata…
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