All day I sit and watch the surfers. You couldn’t possibly get bored, you either wonder if he is going to catch the wave or if he does, if he is going to fall or not.
When he catches it and doesn’t fall, it’s as if it’s you out there, that much you get excited.
I didn’t get it by now, but there is a connection between the surfer and the spectator. Surfing generates compassion, when he misses the wave you feel sorry, you don’t swear at him as you do at a football player who misses a goal.
Today, as usual, we went on the beach for surfing, tanning, and pictures. The birds don’t mind too much the surfers around them and dive for their prey only a few meters away from them.
In the water, the surfers wait for their wave, in the sky the birds look for their prey, on the beach I enjoy the show in front of me.
I myself don’t have any recollection from a previous life, but I have inside me the memories of my ancestors that live in every cell of my body.
I understood that I’m not my mind. The mind thinks as the stomach digests.
I am the presence that celebrates the experience of life.
The same presence celebrates another experience of life that is you.
One single presence celebrates the experiences of life that we are.
One single presence looks at itself differently through us.
We are the presence that celebrates the experience of life.
A surfer rode a wave, a man lived a life, a bird dived into the ocean.
Stau si ma uit toata ziua la surferi. N-ai cum sa te plictisesti, ba te intrebi daca va prinde valul si daca-l prinde te intrebi daca o sa cada. Cand il prinde si nu cade parca ai fost tu pe val, asa te bucuri.
N-am inteles de ce, e o legatura intre surfer si spectator.
Surfingul genereaza si compasiune, cand surferul rateaza valul iti pare rau pentru el, nu il injuri ca pe un fotbalist care a ratat un penalty.
Astazi am fost ca de obicei, sa facem surf, plaja si poze. Pasarile nu se sinchisesc de multimea de oameni din apa si plonjeaza dupa prada lor la doar cativa metri distata de ei.
In apa surferii stau si asteapta valul, pe cer pasarile dau tarcoale dupa prada, pe mal eu zambind la spectacolul ce mi se ofera.
Personal nu am amintiri din alta viata, dar contin amintirile stramosilor ce traiesc prin fiecare celula a fiintei mele.
Am inteles ca mintea nu sunt eu.
Mintea gandeste precum stomacul digera.
Eu sunt prezenta care se bucura de experienta vietii.
Aceeasi prezenta se bucura de alta experienta a vietii, care esti tu.
O singura prezenta se bucura de experientele vietii care suntem noi.
O singura prezenta se uita diferit la ea prin noi.
Noi suntem prezenta care se bucura de experienta vietii.
Un surfer a calarit un val, un om a trait o viata, o pasare a plonjat in ocean.
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