Aldeia is an international community composed of 4 families, 8 adults and 5 children, 3 dogs and more than 5 cats, plus the volunteers.
The volunteers, as international as the members of the community, outnumber the permanent inhabitants with one less child.
All is well organized.
At 6:45 in the morning breakfast is served.
At 8:00 work begins until 12:00.
For one week I cut banana trees and built a shelter. I won’t say it was for poo because I don’t want to.
At 13:00 lunch is served.
I forgot to say that the menu is vegetarian and very good.
As we cook our own food, in teams of two, by rotation, the food is very varied and if today it tasted Lebanese, tomorrow it will smell like tango for sure.
After lunch, there is free time when everybody does exactly what he pleases until 18:30 when dinner is served. Then there are chess championships, candombe or language lessons.
Today it was my turn to cook so at 5:30 I was in the kitchen.
I cooked together with a very talented Argentinian: scrambled eggs, couscous with tomatoes and onion, fruit salad with melon, watermelon and papaya.
The children go to school until 10 o’clock where they learn a multitude of things.
After they finish school they usually take a bath in the river.
Other than that, nothing, we like it!
Aldeia este o comunitate internationala formata din patru familii, opt adulti cu cinci copii, trei caini si mai mult de cinci pisici, plus voluntarii. Voluntarii, la fel de internationali ca si membri comunitatii, depasesc numeric grupul locuitorilor permanenti cu doar un copil diferenta.
Treaba este organizata misto.
La 6:45 dimineata se serveste micul dejun.
La ora 8:00 incepe lucrul pana la 12:00.
Eu intr-o saptamana am taiat banani si am construit un cotet. Nu spun ca era pentru caca ca nu vreau.
In fine, la 13:00 se serveste pranzul.
Am uitat sa spun ca meniul este vegetarian si super bun.
Cum noi ne gatim mancarea de fapt, adica gatim prin rotatie in echipe de cate doi, mancarea este foarte variata, asa ca daca astazi are gust libanez, maine sigur miroase a tango!
Dupa masa de pranz incepe timpul liber in care fiecare face exact ce vrea, pana la ora 18:30 cand se serveste cina. Apoi sunt campionate de sah, lectii de candombe sau limbi straine.
Astazi a fost randul meu sa fac micul dejun asa ca la 05:30 am fost in bucatarie. Am facut impreuna cu un brazilian priceput rau, omleta, cuscus cu ceapa si rosii, salata de fructe cu pepene galben, papaya si pepene verde.
Copiii in numar de 7, se duc la scoala pana la ora 10:00 unde invata despre chestii. Dupa ce ies de la scoala, de obicei, fac o baie la rau.
In rest, nimic, ne place!
Eljar Dinvolador Gayoso
Posted at 03:53h, 12 OctoberUaaauuu… we like it!!!… jejeje ;)))