Today we went for a walk on the beach. We armed ourselves with fruits and the traditional Brazilian bread & cheese (“pão de queijo”) and went on a hike to the beach “extinguish the fire” (Praia Apaga Fogo).
This beach is one of the top 25 Brazilian beaches and being close from us, we went to see what it is all about.
The beach is very beautiful indeed, located in a small bay with dozens of natural pools formed in the coral reef, on the right corner of the mouth of the Buranhém river.
After a two-hour route, we arrived on the sandy strip that separates the two waters.
On the other side, you can see the city of Porto Seguro, the place where the Portuguese saw the first native teets after crossing the ocean more than 500 years ago.
After sunset we realized that Aris lost his slippers the second time in 2 weeks.
It annoyed me so bad that the first thing I did was buying him the ugliest pair of slippers I could find.
After two hours, I went to Aris and apologized for making him feel bad.
He looked at me, took off his slippers and threw them as far away as he could.
I perfectly burst into an imperfect laugh.
Otherwise, nothing, we are being imperfect!
Astazi am dat o tura prin natura. Ne-am inarmat cu fructe si celebra paine cu branza sau “pão de queijo” pe limba lor” si am plecat in drumetie catre plaja stinge focul (Praia Apaga Fogo).
Aceasta plaja face parte din top 25 plaje braziliene si fiind la o aruncatura de bat de noi, am dat o fuga sa vedem despre ce este vorba.
Plaja este intr-adevar foarte frumoasa, situata intr-un mic golfulet cu zeci de piscine naturale formate in reciful de corali, pe coltul din dreapta al gurii raului Buranhėm.
Dupa un traseu de doua ore am ajuns pe limba de nisip ce desparte cele doua ape.
Pe malul celalalt se poate vedea orasul Porto Seguro, locul unde au vazut portughezii primele tate goale dupa ce-au traversat oceanul, acum mai bine de 500 de ani.
Dupa apus ne-am dat seama ca Aris si-a pierdut a doua oara papucii in 2 saptamani.
M-a scos din minti atat de tare, incat primul lucru pe care l-am facut a fost sa-i cumpar cea mai urata pereche de papuci pe care am gasit-o.
Dupa doua ore m-am dus la Aris si i-am cerut scuze pentru ca l-am facut sa se simta prost.
El s-a uitat urat la mine, si-a scos papucii si i-a aruncat cat a putut de departe.
Am bagat un ras perfect de imperfect.
In rest, nimic, suntem imperfecti!
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