Today Becka was on a leash so after breakfast and coffee we ventured into the 250km left to Rio de Janeiro.
The road twists on the coast, uphill and downhill. To the right – the ocean, beach and islands, to the left – mountain and tropical forest.
Through waterfalls, straw-thin white birds, colorful parrots, and prying monkeys, the imposing nuclear plant on Itaorna beach of Angra dos Reis stands out from this picture. We searched what is the deal with this Brazilian Chernobyl and found that 2 beautiful reactors supply 3% of the country’s electricity needs.
What can I say, every percentage point counts!
We entered Rio at sunset and settled on the Red Beach, at the base of the Sugar Leaf mountain.
Here they were waiting for us our Chilean friends, Naty and Bruno, that we met in Paraty.
Naty invited us over for a cup of hot chocolate.
The kids jumped into their trailer and we skipped the cocoa in exchange for a walk in two.
Tomorrow is Samba day, stay tuned, we’ll be back with new moves!
Drumul spre Rio
Astazi Becka a fost in lesa, asa ca dis de dimineata dupa mic dejun si cafea, am atacat cei 250 de km ramasi restanti pana-n Rio de Janeiro.
Drumul serpuieste pe langa coasta cu urcusuri si coborasuri. In dreapta ocean, plaja si insule, in stanga munte si padure tropicala.
Printre cascade, pasari albe si subtiri precum un pai, papagali multicolori si maimute curioase, se desprinde din peisaj maiestuasa uzina nucleara de pe plaja Itaorna din Angra dos Reis.
Am cautat repede pe net sa vedem ce-i cu Chernobil-ul asta brazilian si am aflat ca doua reactoare minunate furnizeaza aproape 3% din necesarul pe an de energie electrica al Braziliei.
Ce sa zic, fiecare procent conteaza!
Am intrat in Rio la apusul soarelui si ne-am parcat pe plaja Rosie, la baza muntelui supranumit Paine de Zahar.
Aici ne asteptau Naty si Bruno, prietenii nostri Chilieni pe care i-am cunoscut in Paraty. Naty ne-a invitat la o ciocolata calda.
Copiii le-au sarit in rulota iar noi am renuntat la ciocolata in schimbul unei plimbari in doi.
Maine-i zi de Samba, stati pe aproape, revenim cu miscari noi!
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