Yes, we are fine. The stupid quarantine is over.
I took a week off.
Sometimes it starts to bother me that I have to write something and the goal of writing every day is scraping my elbows.
Writing sets me free and makes me happy, and when it is working against its purpose, I pull the handbrake.
I was thinking about quarantine and the fact that I don’t totally dislike it.
I don’t like anything restricting my freedom.
I am against the obligation to wear a seat belt and against the fact that weed is forbidden.
In fact, all substances that alter the normal state of consciousness should be free.
Okay, maybe just with a shamanic prescription!
I don’t know if you know, but alcohol taken in small doses is the best anxiolytic on the market. Alcohol is a social binder and present in all forms of socialization, at meetings, meals, parties, festivals, sports meetings, etc.
An alcohol-free party is like my grandmother without her dental plate, that is, nice, but something seems to be missing.
Well, if alcohol is so present in social life and socializing needs an anxiolytic, it means that people’s daily lives produce anxiety.
That is, we developed an anxious environment and normalized it.
Returning to quarantine, I notice that it had a depressurizing effect as if it took something off everyone’s shoulders.
Some of them had a hard time with the children non-stop on their heads but after a while, they started to like it…
It’s like an invisible hand had pulled the handbrake of mankind.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Da, noi suntem bine. Carantina stupida a trecut. Eu mi-am luat o saptamana concediu. Cateodata incepe sa ma apese faptul ca trebuie sa scriu ceva si telul de a scrie zilnic ma juleste pe coate.
Scrisul ma elibereaza, ma bucura, iar cand nu-si mai atinge scopul, ma opresc.
Ma gandeam la carantina si la faptul ca nu-mi displace total. Ingradirea libertatii nu-mi place. Sunt impotriva obligativitatii purtarii centurei de siguranta si impotriva faptului ca iarba este interzisa.
De fapt, toate substanetele ce altereaza starea normala de constiinta ar trebui sa fie libere. Bine, poate doar cu prescriptie samanica!
Nu stiu daca stiati dar alcoolul luat in doze mici, este cel mai bun anxiolitic de pe piata.
Alcoolul este un liant social si prezent in toate formele de socializare, la intalniri, mese, petreceri, festivaluri, intalniri sportive, etc.
O petrecere fara alcool e ca mamaie fara placa dentara, adica simpatica dar parca lipseste ceva.
Ei bine daca alcoolul este atat de prezent in viata sociala si socializarea are nevoie de un anxiolitic inseamna ca viata oamenilor de zi cu zi produce anxietate.
Adica ne-am dezvoltat un cadru anxios si l-am normalizat.
Revenind la carantina, observ ca a avut un efect de depresurizare, parca a luat ceva de pe umerii fiecaruia.
Unora le-a fost greu cu copiii non stop pe cap dar dupa un timp a inceput sa le placa…
Parca o mana invizibila a tras frana de mana a omenirii.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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