I have always wondered why God created mosquitoes. I didn’t get it yet.
The second place in the top of the most annoying insects are the flies.
I hate the mornings when a darling fly lands on my face.
You drive it away and then it comes back, and again, and again.
The gadfly, that fly that looks like a small and noisy drone is known for its persistence, hence the word “gadfly” became synonymous with being annoyingly persistent.
One of the most motivating true stories is that of Abraham Lincoln, one of America’s greatest presidents.
I will briefly list some data from his life, after which you will tell me, please, if we reward him with the Medal of “The Gadfly Godfather”.
1816 His family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them.
1818 His mother died.
1831 Failed in business.
1832 Ran for state legislature—lost.
1832 Also lost his job—wanted to go to law school but couldn’t get in.
1833 Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt.
1835 Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken.
1836 Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months.
1838 Sought to become speaker of the state legislature—defeated.
1840 Sought to become elector—defeated.
1843 Ran for Congress—lost.
1846 Ran for Congress again—this time he won—went to Washington and did a good job.
1848 Ran for re-election to Congress—lost.
1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state—rejected.
1854 Ran for Senate of the United States—lost.
1856 Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party’s national convention—got less than 100 votes.
1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again—again he lost.
1860 Elected president of the United States.
Oh boy, if he wasn’t elected president, I think he would have been listed as the loser of his century.
Anyway, after 5 years of presidency in which he fought for the abolition of slavery, he died in 1965 assassinated.
He went down in history as the first assassinated president of the United States.
What do you say, “The Gadfly Godfather”?
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…

M-am intrebat dintotdeauna de ce a creat Dumnezeu tantarii. Nu m-am prins inca.
Pe locul doi in topul celor mai enervante insecte sunt mustele.
Urasc diminetile in care o draga de musca imi tropaie pe fata.
O alungi dupa care revine, nu se lasa.
Taunele, adica acea musca ce seamana cu o mica drona zgomotoasa este recunoscuta pentru persistenta ei, de aici si vorba “ce taune…”.
Una dintre cele mai motivationale povesti adevarate este cea a lui Abraham Lincoln, unul dintre cei mai mari presedinti ai Americii.
O sa insirui pe scurt cateva date din viata lui, dupa care sa-mi spuneti dumneavoastra, va rog, daca-l premiem cu medialia de “Taune Sef”.
Sa incepem:
1816 Parintii lui au pierdut casa si au fost evacuati. A trebuit sa se angajeze si sa-i ajute.
1818 Mama lui moare
1831 Incepe o afacere dar da faliment repede
1832 Candideaza pentru legislatura statala – Pierde
1832 Isi pierde slujba
1832 Se inscrie la socala de drept dar nu trece examenele de admitere.
1833 Imprumuta bani de la un prieten si incepe o noua afacere. Da faliment. Petrece urmatorii 17 ani platind datoria.
1835 Se logodeste dar logodnica se imbolnaveste si moare.
1836 Face o cadere nervoasa si sta la pat 6 luni.
1838 Isi revine si candideaza pentru a deveni purtator de cuvant la legislatura statatla – Pierde
1840 Candideaza din nou pentru legislatura statala – Pierde
1843 Candideaza pentru Congresul SUA – Pierde
1846 Candideaza pentru Congresul SUA din nou. Castiga si ajunge la Washington.
1848 Candideaza pentru Congresul SUA pentru o noua legislatura – Pierde
1849 Cauta sa intre in administratia locala a statului sau – Este respins
1854 Candideaza pentru Senatul SUA – Pierde
1856 Candideaza pentru postul de vice presedinte al partidului sau – obtine mai putin de 100 de voturi
1858 Candideaza pentru Senat din nou – Pierde
1860 Este ales Presedintele SUA
Bai baiatule, daca nu era ales presedinte cred ca era catalogat ca invinsul secolului lui.
Dupa 5 ani de presedentie in care s-a luptat pentru abolirea sclaviei, moare in 1965 asasinat.
Intra in istorie ca fiind primul presedinte asasinat al SUA.
Ce spuneti, Sef Sef Sef Taune?
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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