In the places where we settled in our travels, my father visited us. He visited us in Portugal, Peru and two times in Brazil.
This one has been the longest and most diverse visit of them all.
We spent Christmas and New Year’s together, we fought and made back up.
My father is 77.
Retired engineer, divorced and with no other passion than his trips.
He loves his grandchildren, but one at a time.
He hated it in Aldeia. Mosquitoes, eco-toilet, lack of a tv and a supermarket have been tough challenges for him in these two months.
He doesn’t like it “at the countryside” and the lack of modern comfort has affected his disposition.
Putting that aside, we laughed and enjoyed each other.
He will be leaving in a few days and I will miss him.
Last night we made a campfire and we sang to the almost full moon and the stars.
My father enjoyed it up to his tears.
He applauded and had fun.
He was asked how did he like it in Aldeia.
He responded that a lot.
I don’t know what he meant!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Pe unde-am zabovit mai mult timp in calatoriile noastre, tata ne-a vizitat. Ne-a vizitat in Portugalia, in Peru si de doua ori in Brazilia.
De aceasta data a fost cea mai lunga si diversa vizita. Am petrecut Craciunul si Revelionul impreuna, ne-am certat si ne-am iubit din nou.
Tata are venerabila varsta de 77 de ani.
Inginer pensionat, divortat si fara pasiuni in afara calatoriilor.
Cu nepotii se intelege bine, dar pe rand.
In Aldeia nu i-a placut deloc. Tantarii, toaleta ecologica, lipsa televizorului si a supermarket-ului i-au fost incercari grele in cele doua luni petrecute aici.
Nu-i place “la tara” iar lipsa confortului modern i-au cam afectat buna dispozitie.
In rest, am ras si ne-am bucurat de el.
In cateva zile va pleca si-i vom simti lipsa.
Aseara am facut un foc de tabara si am cantat la luna aproape noua si la stele.
Lui tata i-a placut pana la lacrimi.
A aplaudat si s-a distrat.
A fost intrebat cum i-a placut in Aldeia.
A spus ca mult.
Nu stiu la ce s-a referit!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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