School is a social instrument.
Its main purpose is to institutionalize.
School is about the outer side.
School introduces notions that apply only to the outside world.
Man is part of the social mechanism.
We are taught as young children that we have to get up early in the morning to go to work to raise money to buy a car to get to work.
All this time, each of us lives with its own inner side which is not very familiar with.
Who is acting the best seems the most normal of all.
When you don’t know yourself, you don’t know what is wrong with you so you can blame anything: your wife, kids, family, colleagues, horns, trams and not last, the crane.
I once saw in Bucharest a crane that stood tall between two blocks.
A weight was hanging from two cables and a big hook at the end of them. Standing there in the sun and rain, it was a rusty-yellow with side black lines.
It had been there for years and I used to go by it every day.
At one point I stopped, I lifted my eyes to the hook and asked myself:
“You there, where to and why?”
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Scoala este un instrument social. Rolul ei principal este de a institutionaliza.
Scoala se refera numai la exterior.
Scoala introduce cunostinte care se reflecta doar in afara.
Omul este o piesa in mecanismul social.
Suntem invatati de mici sa ne trezim dimineata sa mergem la munca sa strangem bani ca sa cumparam o masina ca sa mergem la munca.
In tot acest timp, fiecare dintre noi traieste impreuna cu propriul interior, pe care nu-l cunoaste. Cine se preface cel mai bine, e cel mai normal.
Cand nu te cunosti, nu stii ce nu-i in regula cu tine si poti da vina pe: sotie, copii, familie, colegi, claxoane, tramvaie si nu in ultimul rand pe macara.
Am vazut o data in Bucuresti, o macara ce statea ferm intre doua blocuri. De doua cabluri ii atarna o greutate de metal, cu role si un carlig in baban in varf. Batuta de vant si soare, macaraua era de o culoare galben ruginiu cu dungi negre manjite oblic din metru in metru. Macaraua statea nemiscata de cativa ani dar eu treceam zilnic pe langa ea.
La un moment dat m-am oprit, am ridicat privirea spre carligul ruginit si m-am intrebat:
– Tu, incotro si de ce?
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
Radu Mârza
Posted at 07:32h, 12 FebruaryFoarte frumos. Unele fotografii sunt de pus în National Geographic! Mă bucur pentru voi!
Posted at 11:51h, 12 FebruaryMultumim mult, Radu!