In pandemic times, The Romanians in Brazil are partying in Brazil.
Today we received Laura’s visit, Martin and their two beautiful children at Dobrescu’s place. Surrounded by children’s trills, I’ve been working to put on the button.
What button? Well, let me explain.
This button is like a gate, an open gate through which I invite you to work together with us.
This button is not that kind that you just click it, you hover in circles with the cursor over it while you make a wish.
It is imperative that the wish is a desire for good, for change, for reconciliation, with you, or with someone you love.
Close your eyes and press the button!
Well, you’ve just taken the first step for the wish to come true.
There’s still work to be done, but we’ll work together.
Otherwise, nothing, all’s good…

In vremuri pandemice, romanii din Brazilia, petrec.
Astazi la Dobresti am primit vizita Laurei a lui Martin si a celor doi copii frumosi ai lor. Incercuit de chiote de copii, eu am lucrat sa pun butonul.
Ce buton? Pai, sa va explic.
Butonul asta este ca si o poarta, o poarta deschisa prin care va invit sa lucram impreuna.
Butonul asta nu se apasa, se survoleaza cu cursorul mouse-ului de cateva ori timp in care-ti pui o dorinta.
Este imperios necesar ca sa fie o dorinta de bine, de schimbare, de impacare, cu tine sau cu cineva drag. Inchizi ochii si apesi.
Ei bine, ai facut primul pas pentru ca dorinta sa se indeplineasca.
Mai e de lucrat, dar vom lucra impreuna.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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