In Portugal, we had many Brazilian friends who told us about cashew juice, açai ice cream, or jenipapo fruit and for a long time we were curious to discover their flavors.
First, we’ve tested the açai ice cream.
Of dark purple color, açai ice cream is traditionally served with granola.
In the south of Brazil, fresh strawberries, bananas, milk powder and milk cream are added.
I remember we didn’t like it at all.
I had the impression that it tasted like medicine, expired cough syrup.
We sat with our ice cream in front of us and looked at each other with a grimace on our faces as if the saleswoman had put her dirty socks on our table.
Now we adore it.
The same thing happened to us with cashew juice.
When I tried it, after the first sip I choked.
It contains something astringent that makes your mouth feel sandpapery.
My head just ran away with my mind and pissed off I replied unasked: “WTF, are you crazy?! How can anyone like this?”.
In a few weeks, I became the number one fan of the cashew juice.
With jenipapo, it was the hardest.
Jenipapo is a fruit eaten when it is very ripe, it even seems that it’s rotten.
Jenipapo is a wonder fruit, full of vitamins, iron and antioxidants.
A year ago, a guy gave us these fruits as a gift.
When I tasted them, I almost vomited.
We thought that was a shitty joke that he offered us rotten fruits.
Now, in Bahia is the Jenipapo period and everyone is delighted.
We said to give it another chance and we took a kilogram of frozen pulp.
I made a juice yesterday morning.
Carla tried it first, she made few faces and said it tasted like makeup.
I hardly drank it all, I took it as a medicine and I quickly gulped it.
This morning I made another series of jenipapo juices.
Surprise, we’ve started to like the makeup taste!
The moral of the story: There is no accounting for taste only after you let them sit for a while!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
In Portugalia aveam foarte multi prieteni brazilieni care ne povesteau despre sucul de caju, inghetata de açai sau fructul de jenipapo si de mult eram curiosi sa le descoperim savorile. Prima oara am testat inghetata de açai.
De culoare violet inchis se serveste in mod traditional cu granola.
In sudul Braziliei se adauga in plus capsuni proaspete, banane, lapte praf si crema de lapte.
Tin inte ca nu ne-a placut deloc.
Aveam impresia ca are gust de medicament, de sirop de tuse expirat.
Stateam cu inghetatele si ne uitam unii la altii cu o grimasa pe fata de parca vanzatoarea si-a pus ciorapii murdari la noi pe masa.
Acum il adoram.
Cu sucul de caju ni s-a intamplat la fel.
Cand l-am incercat, dupa prima inghititura m-am inecat.
Contine ceva astringent de-ti face gura punga.
Mintea mi-a luat-o pe dinainte si cu naduf am replicat neintrebat: “Bah, sunteti nebuni, cum poate sa va placa frate asa ceva?!”.
In cateva saptamani am devenit fanul numarul unu al sucului de caju.
Cu jenipapo a fost cel mai greu.
Este un fruct care se mananca cand este foarte copt, pare chiar ca s-a stricat. Jenipapo este un fruct minune, plin de vitamine, fier si antioxidanti.
Acum un an ne-a facut un nene cadou aceste fructe.
Cand le-am gustat, aproape am vomitat.
Ne gandeam ce de cacat a fost nenea ala ca si-a batut joc de noi si ne-a oferit fructe stricate.
Acum in Bahia e perioada Jenipapo-ului si toata lumea este incantata.
Am zis si noi sa-i mai acordam inca o sansa si am luat un kilogram de pulpa congelata.
Ieri dimineata am facut un suc.
Carla l-a incercat prima si cu o fata schimonosita a zis ca are gust de machiaj.
Cu greu l-am baut toti, am considerat ca e medicament, nu suc si l-am dat rapid pe gat.
Azi dimineata am mai facut o serie de jenipapo.
Surpriza, a inceput sa ne placa gustul de machiaj!
Morala: Gusturile nu se discuta, decat dupe ce le lasi la dospit!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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