Ana and Maya have a lot in common, they are both wild, don’t have many friends, haven’t been to kindergarten, haven’t had nannies and have spent their entire tome with their parents....
Ana and Maya have a lot in common, they are both wild, don’t have many friends, haven’t been to kindergarten, haven’t had nannies and have spent their entire tome with their parents....
We are getting ready for Carla’s birthday. We bought balloons. I wrote a letter together with Lavinia where we expressed what we feel for her. ...
A beautiful hawk was eating one of our hens. With his big round eyes he was looking without any fear at the both of us. Lavinia took a box as a shield and, armed with...
Next Saturday we will have a celebration party of leaving Aldeia. We will have a beautiful departure. We and Aldeia are like two lovers who cannot be together. ...
Das Contas river is one of Bahia's main tributaries. The river is born in Chapada Diamantina and after 620 meandered kilometers and a dam, embrace the ocean....
In principle, the volunteer program in Aldeia is quite simple, you work 4 hours for shelter and food. Besides the 4 hours, you must cook and clean by rotation. These hours are under “responsibilities”. ...
Every morning the smell of fresh coffee brings me back to my senses. I barely open my eyes and then I can't close them anymore, the day has started! ...
There is no more adventure in people’s lives. What needs to be done is so exactly set that it leaves room for little else. ...
What have the children learnt in the 6 months spent in Aldeia? They have learnt a lot, but now I will tell the part about banana trees. They have learnt how they are cut, how they...
When you live in the jungle, you can step on a snake. In the city, a car can run into you. In both cases, distraction and luck matter....