Today the sun was in a playful mood and played hide and seek behind the clouds all day. We caught a glimpse of it from time to time, but we haven’t seen his round face all day.
Itauna beach is also called “The Maracana of Surf”. On the right side of the beach, there is a small lagoon created by the draining part of a river into the ocean.
There is the surf kindergarten, the place where all surf schools begin their lessons with the kids.
Today there were big waves so after a few failed attempts, we left the Maracana to the pros and headed to the kindergarten.
Ana had a set of killer questions today.
She was curious to find out how I became a surf teacher. I told her that I’ve learned from YouTube. She was satisfied with the answer.
Although we spend hours in the water, there is more swimming and playing than surfing. When the most beautiful wave comes, she jumps off the board saying “let’s play now”.
She stops at one moment and asks me why I don’t grow long hair so I look more like Aquaman.
I burst into laughter.
I stayed in the water all day and, although I am tanned, my skin turned white under the wet suit. When Ana saw me she said, “your skin looks like grandpa’s”.
I ask: “Which one?”
Ana: “Neither of them, I saw an old man on the beach today and your skin is like his”
“Was he alive?”
She gave me an angry look, she turned her back and didn’t give an answer.
Astazi soarele a avut chef de joaca si s-a ascuns mai toata ziua dupa nori. Si-a mai aruncat cate un ochi din cand in cand dar in rest nu i-am vazut fata rotunda.
Plaja Itauna mai este denumita si “Maracana de Surf”. In dreapta plajii este o mica laguna formata de gura unui rau ce se varsa in ocean.
Aici este gradinita de surf, locul unde toate scolile de surf din Saquarema isi incep orele cu incepatorii.
Astazi au fost valuri imense si dupa cateva incercari esuate de a surfa, am lasat Maracana profesionistilor si ne-am indreptat pasii de boboci catre gradinita.
Ana a avut astazi un set de intrebari mortale. A fost foarte curioasa sa stie de unde am invatat eu sa fiu profesor de surf. I-am raspuns ca de pe YOUTUBE. N-a avut nimic de comentat.
Cu toate ca stam cu orele in apa se intampla mai multa joaca si balaceala decat surfing. Dupa cateva minute bune de balaceala se opreste brusc, ma fixeaza cu o privire patrunzatoare si zice:
– Te-ai gandit vreodata sa-ti lasi parul lung? Asa ai semana si mai mult cu Aquaman.
M-a bufnit rasul cu tot cu muci.
Toata ziua am stat in apa si desi sunt bronzat, pielea s-a albit pe sub bluza de neopren. La masina, mi-am dat bluza jos, Ana ma vede si-mi spune:
– Ai pielea ca a lui tataie!
– Care dintre ei? Intreb eu.
– Nici unul, am vazut eu un batran pe plaja astazi, ai pielea exact ca a lui.
– Era viu?
S-a uitat urat si s-a intors cu spatele, n-a mai raspuns! 🙂
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