Saquarema Surf School received a donation of books. Ana, Aris, and Carla helped with their sorting and they took their lion’s share of some tens of books.
We have a rule that we have to stick to because of space and weight-related reasons. For every new thing that goes into the car, an old one must go out.
They put in so many books that we couldn’t take out just as many because we didn’t have them so we decided to stay for a few days to read and surf.
Today was a great day and we spent it entirely on the beach. In the evening we went out for an ice-cream and ended the day with a movie.
Tonight it was the horror movie “Us” which Ana wasn’t allowed to watch. We promised her that tomorrow we’ll watch a cartoon movie in exchange for her “forced going to bed”.
She also asked that Aris to play with her in the water the next day. She complained that since he started surfing she lost her playing partner.
We all agreed that tomorrow we’ll also do playing in the water.
She fell asleep happy.
Scoala de Surf din Saquarema a primit o donatie de carti. Ana, Aris si cu Carla au ajutat la sortarea lor si cum cine imparte parte-si face au ingreunat masina cu cateva zeci de carti.
Avem o regula pe care suntem nevoiti sa o respectam cu strictete din motive de spatiu si greutate.
Pentru fiecare lucru nou ce intra in masina trebuie sa renuntam la un lucru vechi.
La cate carti noi au introdus copiii in masina, nu putem renunta la tot atatea carti pentru ca nu avem atatea si am decis ca vom mai ramane cateva zile sa citim si sa surfam. Astazi a fost o superba si am petrecut-o toata pe plaja.
Seara am iesit la o inghetata si am incheiat-o cu un film. Astazi a fost seara filmului de groaza “Noi”, pe care Ana nu a avut voie sa-l vada.
I-am promis ca maine seara vom vedea un film de desene animate in schimbul culcarii “fortate”.
A mai cerut ca Aris sa se joace cu ea maine in apa. S-a plans ca de cand facem surf, si-a pierdut partenerul de balaceala.
Am fost cu totii de acord ca maine sa ne si jucam in apa.
A adormit fericita.
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