We woke up longing for a wave and, after a simple, tasty omelette, we put on our Surf-Man suits and went to the ocean. From the camping to the Tiririca beach there is a straight, stone-covered road, 1 km long and full of coming-and-going people.
Carla didn’t feel too well so she stayed out of the water, but Aris fought the waves and the hair coming into his face. In the end, he tied it into a tail. And kept fighting the waves.
Ana made friends with 3 girls and all day they packed a load of sand into 1 kilo invisible bags.
The day was gorgeous, at times I felt like a pair of eyes empty looking at the universe playing with itself.
At the hour when the Englishmen would care for some tea, we took off and got back. It is off-season and we are the only ones in the camping, which pleases me greatly. I enjoy life itself and the genius moments it keeps giving me.
After we came back from the beach Ana went to the shower with Carla. They are not there long when we hear Ana screaming hysterically:
“Mom, Dad, come quickly, Carla hit herself badly”
We froze for a second then rushed to the shower to see what had happened.
Ana, looking pale and with big eyes was pointing to Carla’s legs. Carla was laughing. It was that time of the month…
And this was Ana found out about one of the aspects of a girl’s life.
Other than that, nothing, still smiling! ?
Ne-am trezit cu dor de val si dupa o omleta simpla si gustoasa ne-am pus costumele de Surferman si am luat drumul oceanului. Din camping pana la plaja Tiririca ne duce un drum drept si pietruit, lung de un kilometru si plin de oameni intr-un du-te-vino permanet.
Carla nu s- a simtit prea bine si nu a intrat in apa, in schimb Aris s-a luptat cu valurile si cu parul ce-l batea pe fata. Pana la urma l-a legat in coada! Cu valurile a continuat sa se lupte.
Ana s-a imprietenit repede cu trei fetite si toata ziua au ambalat in pungulite invizibile, de cate un kil, o basculanta de nisip!
Ziua a fost geniala, cateodata aveam impresia ca sunt doar niste ochi care privesc in gol la jocul universului cu propriul sine.
Cand li se scoala englezilor de ceai, am ridicat si noi ancora si ne-am indreptat inspre casa.
Ne aflam in afara sezonului si suntem singuri in camping, lucru care ma bucura enorm.
Ma mai bucur de viata pur si simplu si de momentele de geniu ce mi le ofera permanent.
Dupa ce ne-am intors de la plaja, Ana a intrat la dus impreuna cu Carla. Nici nu dau bine drumul la apa cand o auzim pe Ana tipand isteric:
“- Mami, tati, veniti repede Carla s-a lovit raaaaau !”
Avem un moment de nemiscat dupa care dam amandoi buzna la dusuri sa vedem ce s-a intamplat.
Ana, alba la fata si cu ochii cat oul de rata arata spre picioarele Carlei. Carla cu mainile la gura, radea in hohote. Tocmai ce-i venise…
Si asa a descoperit Ana unul din micile aspecte ale vietii de fata.
In rest, nimic, inca zambim! ?
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