

Aris kept his word and at 6 am he woke up the entire neighborhood when the alarm started ringing in the speakers of the car. Us, inside, jumped up like burned and, confused, bumped into each other like billiard balls. 

I, for example, thought we were under attack and I couldn’t understand what could anyone have anything against Brazil.

After a while, Aris began to cry. 

He was very entitled to be upset and crying that he had woken up very early in the morning and at 8 o’clock we should have been on the beach already. He looked at us with a pair of seal eyes, we couldn’t resist so we threw our coffee away at the sink, we picked up our surfboards and off we went.

At 9 we were on the beach. 5 hours later Aris and Carla only came out of the water once to have coconut water. 

At 3 pm Carla was throwing up on the beach and Aris was sunburnt on his face and arms from the board wax. They were both pretty messed up. 

We stayed for one more hour in the shade, holding them in our arms, a good moment for them to take a nap and then went slowly back home. 

I was looking like this: a backpack on my back and one in front, a surfboard in my right hand and one in my left, the hardest part was not to scratch my self all the way. Behind me, Lavinia with a kid on each arm and a tie that led to Ana following her. 

We were crawling.

Other than that, nothing, tomorrow we’re not surfing!



Aris s-a tinut de cuvant si la ora 6 a trezit tot cartierul, cand goarna desteptatoare cu care este setata alarma Iphonului a rasunat in instalatia audio a masinii. 

Noi, inauntrul masinii am sarit ca arsi, si buimaci ne-am lovit intre noi ca mingiile de biliard. Eu spre exemplu credeam ca suntem bombardati si nu gaseam cine ar putea avea ceva cu Brazilia!

Cu toata dreptatea din lume, Aris la ora 8 a inceput sa planga ca el s-a trezit de dimineata si ar fi trebuit sa fim pe plaja deja. 

S-a uitat la noi cu niste ochi de pui de foca, ne-am inmuiat, am lasat totul balta,ne-am aruncat cafeaua la chiuveta, am insfacat placile de surf si dusi am fost.

La 9 eram pe plaja. In 5 ore, Aris si Carla n-au iesit din apa decat sa bea o apa de cocos. 

La ora 15, Carla vomita pe plaja iar Aris era ars pe fata de soare si oparit rau pe maini si picioare de la ceara de pe placa de surf. Amandoi erau practic scosi din uz.

Am mai stat o ora la umbra si i-am tinut in brate, timp in care au tras un pui de somn, dupa care am luat-o agale spre casa.

Aratam asa: eu in fata cu un rucsac pe piept, unul in spate, o placa de surf in dreapta si una in stanga. Cel mai greu a fost ca nu am putut sa ma scarpin tot drumul! 

In spate, Lavinia cu un copil pe cate un umar si legata cu o zgarda ombilicala de catre Ana, care se lasa tarata in spate.

Ne taram!

In rest, nimic, maine nu surfam!

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