Nature is on the spectators’ side. Today the waves were dedicated only to the pros, going over two meters high.
Aris was the first to get up and started waxing his board. With my first morning rise, the first thing that Aris told me was that he wasn’t going to surf today because the waves were too high.
I am not used to a cautious Aris so I went to see what was going on. I put a hand over my mouth and one to my head and whispered “Fuck!”
The championship day was spectacular. I understood more about the surf competitions and I can say I am more and more into this sport.
There are teams of two, called heats.
These two go into the water and have half an hour to impress the jury with jumps and slides fit for God Neptune.
I was even thinking that if the Romans hadn’t crucified Christ, with his skills of walking on water, nobody could have outdone him in surfing.
On another topic, Lavinia misses a lot her mom who passes away four months ago. Two weeks later my grandmother, the one who raised me, passed away.
And we were talking about missing and our feelings.
With her, the missing is suffocating and painful, with me it’s almost nothing.
At first, she made reproaches that I was missing a piece of my heart that froze when my mom left us when I was little.
I told her that what she was feeling was sick and based on a selfish ground.
We were both wrong.
That way that you feel is unique and incomparable.
And this is ok.
Ana told us, after listening to our conversation, that longing is solved with an ice-cream so we all went for the biggest ice-cream in Saquarema.
And, you know what, the kid was right! ?
Natura tine cu spectatorii. Astazi valurile au fost dedicate numai profesionistilor, depasind doi metri. Aris s-a trezit primul si si-a dat placa cu ceara.
Cum am facut si eu ochi, primul lucru pe care mi l-a spus a fost ca el nu va surfa astazi pentru ca valurile sunt prea mari.
Nu sunt obisnut ca Aris sa fie prudent asa ca m-am dus pe plaja sa vad despre ce este vorba.
Mi-am pus o mana la gura si alta pe cap si in gand am soptit: “Maica-mea, taica-mea! Ce valuri!”
A fost spectaculoasa ziua la campionat. Am mai inteles si eu cum stau lucrurile cu competitiile de surf si pot spune ca m-a prins sportul asta.
Se fac grupe de cate doi, care se numesc baterii. Astia doi intra in apa si au la dispozitie o jumatate de ora sa impresioneze juriul cu sarituri si alunecaturi pe apa demne de Zeul Neptun.
Chiar ma gandeam ca daca nu-l rastigneau romanii pe Isus, la cat de bine mergea descult pe apa, n-avea cine sa-i faca fata la surfing.
In alta ordine de idei, Laviniei ii este foarte dor de mama ei care-a trecut in nefinta acum 4 luni. Tot cam pe atunci, adica la numai doua saptamani dupa moartea dansei, a murit si bunica mea care m-a crescut.
Si tot vorbeam noi despre dor si despre ce si cum simtim. La ea dorul este sufocator si cu durere, la mine nu prea e nimic.
La inceput ea mi-a reprosat ca-mi lipseste o bucata de inima care mi-a inghetat cand m-a parasit mama cand eram mic.
Eu i-am raspuns ca ce simte ea e bolnav si bazat pe egoism.
Am gresit amandoi in exprimare. Modul in care simti ce simti este unic si nu se poate compara.
Si este foarte ok asa.
Ana dupa ce-a ascultat toata conversatia ne-a spus ca dorul se alina cu o inghetata asa ca am iesit cu totii sa mancam cea mai mare inghetata din Saquarema.
Stiti ceva, copilul a avut dreptate! 🙂
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