As only 2 days from now the World Surf League starts, we thought of going to watch the contestants practice.
Lavinia to take pictures of them and Aris to be in their way.
Pretty relaxed the surfers, many stopped in their soar to avoid him and none seemed upset by that.
A more eager one almost stepped on his head, but Aris dived when he saw that the guy wasn’t stopping.
If you are wondering who is the blonde with the nice bum, I will spare you the search, her name is Tatiana Weston-Webb, Brazilian, world number 4 as per last year’s chart.
We go all on the beach, that means cat and dogs included. On Itauna beach where the contestants practice there are 50 photographers on the beach, very quiet and no child in the water.
That is until we come.
Lavinia mounts her tripod, the girls go for a swim, I train Aris from the beach, Oscar falls asleep under the umbrella, Piccolina barks at everybody and Becka runs to the bushes for shade and hunting.
At least 10 minutes when we arrive everybody stops what they were doing and stares at the circus that we perform.
I look as a professional surf tracher apparently as everybody already started saying hello. I have no connection with this sport, but they don’t seem to have either.
I may, by mistake, give Aris the right instructions, or they are a novice as I am.
The real surfers are probably wondering what we are doing on this beach.
Isn’t it obvious what we are doing, catching a tan and some pictures, don’t you find them lovely?
In doar doua zile va incepe campionatul mondial de surfing asa ca ne-am gandit sa mergem sa-i vedem pe participanti la antrenamente.
Lavinia sa-i fotografieze iar Aris sa-i incurce.
Relaxati tipii, multi se opreau din goana pentru a-l evita pe Aris si nu i-am vazut sa se oftice ca au ratat valul.
Unul mai zelos era sa-l calce pe cap dar noroc ca s-a scufundat Aris cand l-a vazut ca nu pune frana.
Daca va intrebati cine-i blonda cu fund misto, o sa va scutesc de o cautare pe google si o sa va dezvalui ca o cheama Tatiana Weston-Webb, brazilianca, numarul 4 mondial conform clasamentului de anul trecut.
Noi iesim cu totii la plaja, adica luam si cainii si pisica. Pe plaja din Itauna unde se antreneaza participantii la campionat sunt 50 de fotografi pe margine, liniste si nici un copil in apa.
Asta pana sa aparem noi!
Lavinia-si monteaza trepiedul, fetele pleaca la balaceala, eu il antrenez pe Aris de pe margine, Oscar adoarme sub umbrela iar Piccolina latra pe toata lumea. Becka fuge prin tufisuri dupa umbra si prada.
Cel putin 10 minute dupa ce aparem noi, nimeni nu mai face ce facea si toti raman blocati la circul pe care-l producem.
Eu par antrenor de Surf, clar… adica toata lumea ma saluta deja.
N-am nicio legatura cu sportul asta dar se pare ca nici ei. Ori intuiesc eu bine indicatiile pe care i le dau lui Aris, ori nici ei n-au nicio treaba cu sportul asta.
Cine se pricepe la surf, probabil se intreaba cine suntem si ce cautam noi aici!
Ce sa facem, plaja si poze, ce, nu va plac?
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