The smell of coffee unleashes complex sensations in me. An instant flow of saliva floods my mouth and the wind starts to blow through my mind mixing my thoughts.
In the morning, the coherence is concentrated in the little espresso I savor sip by sip. An espresso is not drunk, it’s too little to say that you drank it.
It’s tasted, it’s savored.
When an action is repetitive and needed it’s called addiction. My addiction to coffee is accepted and acceptable.
It may change the acidity of my stomach, but the pleasure that comes as a base neutralizes any effect the doctors could speak of as negative.
Arraial do Cabo has the shape of a cilantro leaf with numerous fangs that end in the ocean, with paradisiac beaches and unforgettable views.
Today we went on a trip to Playa do Pontal, the beach that we discovered in our recent boat trip. We didn’t reach our destination because the road there offered us so many stunning views that we stopped lots of times to admire them.
We were left speechless by a sunset that made my jaw drop. The sun played hide and seek with us behind the clouds giving away fire rays into the sky and making me drool.
A drop of saliva rolled on my lip and felt on my bare foot.
I hesitated and thought it started to rain. It was raining.
I woke up after sunset, wet and happy. Lavinia too my hand and smiled. We hugged our kids and went home, happy.
Mirosul cafelei dezlantuie in mine senzatii complexe. Instant un suvoi de saliva imi inunda gura iar vantul incepe sa-mi bata prin minte amestecandu-mi gandurile. Dimineata, coerenta este concentrata in micutul espresso pe care-l savurez si-mi revine sorbitura cu sorbitura. Un espresso nu se bea, e prea mic in primul rand ca sa poti spune ca l-ai baut. Se degusta, se savureaza.
Cand o actiune este repetitiva si obligatorie se numeste dependenta. Dependenta mea de cafea este acceptata si acceptabila.
Probabil ca-mi schimba aciditatea stomacului dar placerea vine ca o baza si neutralizeaza orice efect pe care doctorii l-ar putea specula ca si negativ.
Arraial do Cabo are forma unei frunze de patrunjel avand nenumarate colturi ce se termina in ocean, cu plaje paradisiace si privelisti de neuitat. Astazi ne-am aventurat intr-o drumetie catre Plaja de Pontal, plaja pe care am cunoscut-o de fapt in excursia realizata cu vaporasul. N-am reusit sa ajungem pana la destinatia propusa, pentru ca drumul pana acolo ne-a oferit privelisti naucitoare si ne-am oprit din metru in metru sa le admiram.
Am ramas muti la un apus de soare care pe mine m-a lasat cu gura cascata. Soarele s-a jucat cu noi de-a v-ati ascunselea pe dupa nori, iar razele de foc proiectate pe cer m-au facut sa balesc. O picatura de saliva s-a rostogolit pe buza si mi-a picat pe piciorul gol. Am tresarit si am crezut ca a inceput sa ploua. Ploua de fapt.
M-am trezit dupa apus, ud si fericit. Lavinia m-a luat de mana si mi-a zambit. Ne-am strans copiii si am plecat spre casa, fericiti.
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