We are getting ready for Carla’s birthday.
We bought balloons.
I wrote a letter together with Lavinia where we expressed what we feel for her.
We couldn’t explain why because some feelings don’t have a correspondent in words.
A lot of friends announced their absence because of the virus.
We understand perfectly and respect their decision.
Each moment is unique in its essence and we enjoy the good things the moment brings.
In Brazil, a state of emergency has been decreed as of today, public transport between towns is disabled and the travel between states is forbidden.
Here in Itacare, the police has made a barrier and the cars that don’t belong to the town can no longer get in.
This is a local decision taken by the governor.
Other than that, nothing, we are a little stuck in paradise…
Ne pregatim pentru ziua Carlei.
Am cumparat baloane, i-am scris o scrisoare impreuna cu Lavinia in care i-am marturisit ce simtim pentru ea.
De ce, nu i-am putut explica pentru ca anumite sentimente nu au corespondent in cuvinte.
Multi dintre prieteni si-au anuntat indisponibilitatea pentru ziua ei, datorita virusului.
Intelegem perfect si le respectam decizia.
Orice moment este unic in esenta lui si ne bucuram de lucrurile bune pe care clipa le aduce.
In Brazilia s-a decretat astazi stare de urgenta, s-au oprit transporturile in comun intre orase si nici nu se mai poate calatori intre state.
Aici in Itacare Politia a facut un blocaj si masinile care nu apartin orasului nu mai pot intra.
Asta a fost o decizie locala luata de catre guvernator.
In rest, nimic, suntem cam blocati in paradis…
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