During the championship, we worked. We worked wholeheartedly for the pictures, for the show, for the atmosphere and not for the money.
Lavinia stayed in the sun from morning till evening and took approximately 3000 photos a day. Reviewing them took us no more, no less than 4 hours. The cards needed to be downloaded and reformatted for the next one.
A small part, but the most beautiful and spectacular, was published with our daily journal.
After the end of the championship I jumped into water with the kids.
It’s gorgeous, we laugh a lot, the waves and salty water wash away any stress that the mind could produce.
I miss reading.
For almost two months that we have been on the road, I haven’t read a page and I miss that. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying.
In the next few days, we will relax, we will lay on the beach under an umbrella watching the fish in the waves.
There’s a moment in the day when the light of the sun shines on the waves and makes them light up. Then you can see the fish in the water like a black silhouette on a shiny screen.
Today I thought I saw a starfish the size of my hand. I turned to Lavinia to ask her if she saw it too, but she was with eyes closed and smiling peacefully. I didn’t bother her, she was listening to the ocean and looking at her wall full of stars.
Outside it was beautiful and the ocean was speaking, the inside it was dancing on a beautiful song in quiet, there, we were together.
Pe durata campionatului am muncit. Am muncit din dragoste pentru poze, pentru eveniment, pentru atmosfera si nu pentru bani.
Lavinia a stat in soare de dimineata pana seara si a facut in jur de 3000 de poze zilnic. Sa le trecem in revista a durat nu mai mult nici mai putin de 4 ore.
Cardurile trebuiau descarcate si formatate pentru urmatoarea. O mica parte dar cea mai frumoasa si spectaculoasa am publicat-o cu ajutorul jurnalului zilnic pe care-l tin.
Dupa terminarea campionatului am sarit in apa cu copiii.
Este superb, radem foarte mult, valurile si apa sarata ne spala de tot stresul ce mintea ni l-ar putea produce.
Mi-e dor sa citesc. De aproape doua luni de cand suntem pe drumuri n-am mai citit o pagina si asta chiar imi lipseste. Nu ma plang, doar zic.
In urmatoarele zile o sa ne relaxam, adica sa stam pur si simplu pe plaja sub o umbrela si sa ne uitam la pestii ce se vad in valuri.
Este un moment al zilei in care lumina soarelui bate in valuri si le face sa lumineze. Atunci se pot vedea siluetele pestilor in valuri, parca vopsiti in negru pe un ecran luminos.
Astazi mi s-a parut ca vad o stea de mare de dimensiunea palmei. M-am intors repede spre Lavinia sa o intreb daca a vazut steaua dar ea statea cu ochii inchisi si zambea satisfacut.
N-am deranjat-o, asculta oceanul si se uita pe peretele ei plin de stele.
Afara, era frumos si oceanul vorbea, inauntrul, dansa dupa o melodie superba in liniste, acolo, eram amandoi.
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