I was talking to Lavinia about the things that travelling enriched our lives with. Seneca said that he’s poor, not the one who has little, but the one who wants too much.
Let’s review: we have a car for a house. We don’t need to change the tiles in the bathroom or build a pavilion in the yard, we are happy with our house. We don’t have vacation plans or plans to come home.
For us home is not a place, it’s a feeling when we are together and we are at home always.
We have become very flexible, not physically, but circumstantial speaking. We live very here and now because the future is about kilometres and not situations.
We don’t have space and three dressings fit into a suitcase. Because of space too, when we go shopping we don’t leave with a cart-full as before. We made that mistake once and we had to sleep with the washing liquid in bed with us.
Since we don’t have a fridge we stopped throwing away food, can you believe it?
The mind compares, weighs, organizes and when it doesn’t have to do that anymore it leaves you alone and then you don’t need anything anymore. You enjoy the sun, you enjoy the rain, you enjoy your enjoying.
Going through so many beautiful places and beautiful people, we learnt to appreciate everything at the exact moment it happened. We learnt that everything passes, life passes.
If you learnt to appreciate and that everything is transient, you have learnt not to feel sorry.
Sadness is the cold of the soul. It’s a normal thing, but it’s important to not spend too much time having a cold.
Smiling is chicken soup for the soul, it takes your cold away in an instant.
In the end, we learnt that there aren’t any problems, only solutions.
And we learnt to smile!
Today we relaxed.
Ana left in the morning to a beach with a friend of hers and her parents.
Aris went to another beach with his friends and their parents.
Carla went with us, on another beach.
We met in the evening, at home!
Astazi, vorbeam cu Lavinia despre lucrurile cu care ne-a imbogatit calatoria viata. Seneca spunea ca sarac nu este cel care are putin ci cel care isi doreste prea multe.
Sa recapitulam, in loc de casa avem o masina.
Nu ne mai vine nici sa schimbam faianta din baie, nici sa mai construim vreun foisor prin curte, suntem fericiti cu ce avem.
Planuri de concediu nu ne mai facem si nici planuri de a ne intoarce acasa. Pentru noi acasa nu este un loc, este un sentiment ce se naste cand suntem impreuna si acasa suntem tot timpul.
Am devenit foarte flexibili, nu fizic ci situational.
Traim foarte acum si in prezent pentru ca viitorul se exprima in kilometri si nu in situatii.
Nu avem spatiu si trei sifoniere au incaput intr-o valiza de mana. Tot din cauza spatiului cand mergem la cumparaturi nu mai plecam cu un cos plin ca alta data. Odata am gresit si a trebuit sa dormim cu solutia de spalat vase in brate!
De cand nu mai avem frigider nu mai aruncam mancare, va vine sa credeti?
Mintea compara, organizeaza, cantareste, cand nu prea mai are ce, te lasa sa fii si atunci nu mai ai nevoie de nimic.
Te bucuri de soare, te bucuri de ploaie, te bucuri ca te bucuri.
Trecand prin atatea locuri minunate si pe langa atatia oameni frumosi am invatat sa ne bucuram de fiecare lucru in acel moment. Am mai invatat ca totul trece, viata trece.
Daca ai invatat sa te bucuri si ai invatat ca totul trece, ai invatat sa nu-ti para rau.
Tristetea este raceala sufletului. E normala, totul este sa nu petreci prea mult timp racit.
Zambetul e supa de pui pentru suflet, iti ia raceala cu mana. In final am invatat ca nu exista probleme exista doar rezolvari.
Si am mai invatat sa zambete!
Astazi ne-am relaxat. Ana a plecat de dimineata cu prietena ei si cu parintii acesteia la o plaja. Aris a plecat la o alta plaja cu prietenii lui si cu parintii acestora. Carla a plecat la o alta plaja cu noi.
Ne-am reunit seara, acasa!
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