

Today we moved into the new house. Aris has his own room and the girls share one together. 

And we share our intimacy after more than one year. 

Our first visit was of some gentlemen from the town hall. 

Because it’s a quarantine, it’s illegal to rent houses, rooms or any type of accommodation. 

We told them that until now we lived across the street with the Dobrescus, but we moved because of space issues and of the shining object syndrome the kids have. 

They looked a little baffled, but we cleared the things for them. 

What do 6 kids in a living room do? Well, when one of them touches one object, the other 5 realize they wanted that exact object too. 

Grown-ups can get it, too. 

When you have to finish a contract, but you open facebook and a diet your friend started catches your eye and you start documenting on this instead. 

Anyway, they understood that we were not from other parts and that we have been in the neighborhood for a while and left us alone. 

Speaking of the shining object syndrome, if you have it and it makes your life lack direction, if you need an advice, an analysis on your new direction, we can help you. 

I didn’t know if you knew it, but in Brazil you can get residency on spiritual considerations. 

How’s that? 

It means you can take your papers to the federal police and tell them you can’t drink Ayahuasca in your country because it’s illegal. 

What do they do? 

They grant you a staying permit for two years. 

If in two years Ayahuasca didn’t answer your questions and you need some more, you get two more years. 

So we don’t only counsel dark problems, like anxiety, depression, but also bright objective ones.

We are waiting for your email so we can talk about it.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…



Astazi ne-am mutat in casa noua. Aris are camera iar fetele impart o alta camera. 

Si noi, ne bucuram de intimitate dupa mai mult de un an. 

Prima vizita ne-au facut-o niste domni de la primarie. Tinand cont ca este carantina, nimeni nu are voie sa inchirieze case, camere sau orice alt fel de cazare. 

Le-am spus ca pana acum am stat doua strazi mai incolo cu familia Dobrescu dar ne-am mutat din motive de spatiu si din cauza sindromului obiectului lucitor pe care-l au copiii. 

S-au uitat crucis dar le-am explicat despre ce este vorba. 

6 copii intr-o sufragerie, ce fac? 

Pai cand pune unul mana pe ceva, toti isi dau seama ca voiau acelasi lucru. 

Si oamenii mari il au, e ca atunci cand tu trebuie sa termini un contract dar ai deschis facebook-ul si ti-a facut cu ochiul o dieta pe care a inceput-o prietena ta si te apuci sa te documentezi despre asta. 

In fine, au inteles oamenii ca nu am venit din alta parte si ca suntem de ceva timp prin cartier si ne-au lasat in pace.

Ca tot veni vorba de sindromul obiectului stralucitor si daca-l ai si se manifesta in viata ta sub forma unei lipse de directie, ai nevoie de un sfat si de o analiza asupra noilor decizii, ei noi te vom ajuta! 

Nu stiu daca stiati ca in Brazilia poti obtine rezidenta pe considerente spirituale? 

Cum adica?

Adica depui actele la politia federala si le spui ca in tara ta nu poti bea Ayahuasca pentru ca este ilegala. 

Ce fac autoritatile Braziliene? 

Iti dau permis de sedere de 2 ani in prima faza. 

Daca in doi ani nu te-a linistit Ayahuasca si mai vrei, iti mai dau inca doi ani.

Asa ca nu consiliem numai pe probleme negre gen anxietate sau depresie ci si pe lucruri si obiective cu soare.

Asteptam un mail ca sa dezvoltam impreuna.

In rest,nimic, numai bine…

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