People don’t realize that traditional education is actually a process of externalizing authority.
The education that school provides is a psychological education of obedience in front of authority.
In other words it handicaps us in the search of our own instinct and understanding our relationship with a higher intelligence.
According to social structure the family is for the individual self a first institution, the first base of social instruction. We have the following graphic that represents the tendency and the social norm towards parents’ duties. The 4 categories of parents are:
THE ACTIVIST: are the parents that adopt the education as a cause. They are generally very involved in their children’s life, in all aspects, especially the scholar one. In order to dedicate time to the child one of the parents quits their job to follow the kid in all media. The type of parent that invites his child’s colleagues at their place to study and play. They are very involved at school, they don’t miss any parents’ gatherings and they volunteer.
THE INVOLVED: these ones don’t want to change the world, but they are connected and involved in their child’s scholar life. In this case, the kids are the cause. They do all necessary to not look disinterested. A combination of the Latin and German style, strong, stabile, calculated psyche.
THE DISTANT: they are the type of “physiological zombie” parents. They come when they are called, they disregard the importance of school, they avoid as much as possible any involvement in any scholar activity. They let the child find his own path. In the same time they have certain sudden urges to support random scholar activities.
THE EGOCENTRIC: they are the parents that work a lot, are never home or present in any parental activity. Kids with families, but not really looked after.
In the same graphic I outlined the reaction to authority as a side effect of the educational system.
Listen to your parents, please them, listen to your teachers and behave.
You were raised in the same system and it’s the only things that you unconsciously are able to pass on.
Why are we witnesses in 2018 of a global phenomenon of traveling families? What are they really looking for?
I’ll tell you, they are looking for their inner self. They are looking for “us” outside the system.
If each of us feels or believes (or not) in the existence of a God, energy or outer force, why do we live pretending it is not that important?
Where are we, who are we and what do we teach our children?
I don’t intend to, but I do feel the animal, the stupid in me and only straying together with my family humanizes me.
That educated I am!
Consequently, I believe that traditional school and social structure reached their expiration date.
I say that because I believe that a family must be a family, education must be love transmitted without any obligation and education should mean to create characters, raise humans.
I don’t think this is the reality for the current moment, what was built as a tool has now become a cage.
Unleash the strings of your soul and the struggles of humanity will be over.
Ceea ce nu realizeaza lumea, este ca invatamantul traditional este de fapt un proces de externalizare a autoritatii.
Educatia pe care scoala o ofera este o educatie psihologica a obedientei in fata autoritatii.
Cu alte cuvinte, ne handicapeaza in descoperirea si urmarea propriului instinct si intelegerea legaturii cu inteligenta superioara.
Conform structurii sociale, familia pentru eul individual nu este decat prima institutie, primul teren al instructiei sociale. Avem urmatorul grafic ce reprezinta tendinta si norma sociala vis-a-vis de obligatiile parintilor. Cele patru categorii de parinti:
PARINTII ACTIVISTI – Sunt parintii ce adopta educatia ca si cauza. In general sunt foarte implicati in viata copiilor, in toate aspectele in principal in cel scolar. Pentru a-si dedica timp copiilor, unul dintre parinti renunta la job pentru a-si acompania copilul in toate mediile. Genul de parinte care invita colegii propriului copil, acasa pentru a invata si a se juca. Sunt prezenti la scoala si nu pierd nicio sedinta cu parintii implicandu-se in actiuni de voluntariat.
PARINTII IMPLICATI – Acestia nu vor sa mute muntii din loc dar sunt conectati si la curent cu viata scolara a copiilor. In acest caz, copiii sunt cauza. Fac tot ceea ce este necesar pentru a nu parea dezinteresati. O combinatie de stil german cu cel latin, un psihic stabil, solid si calculat. Ajuta copilul si-l sustin in scoala ferm si curat in exprimare. Caldura familiei este obiectivul iar scoala o unealta principala.
PARINTII DISTANTI – Sunt genul de parinti “zombie filozofici”. Sunt prezenti cand sunt chemati, nu dau importanta scolii, fug cat mai mult de toate activitatile scolare parentale. Lasa copilul sa-si croiasca singur drumul. In acelasi timp au bufeuri de sustinere in activitatile scolare.
PARINTII EGOCENTRICI – Sunt parintii care lucreaza mult, nu sunt niciodata acasa sau prezenti in vreo activitate parentala. Copiii cu familii dar genul “scapati din mana”.
In acelasi grafic am evidentiat si cresterea obedientei in fata autoritatii ce apare ca si side efect al sistemului scolar ca si mecanism in sine.
Asculta-ti parintii si multumeste-i, asculta-ti profesorii si fii cuminte.
In acest context ai venit si tu si acelasi mecanism predai mai departe, inconstient.
De ce in 2018 asistam la un fenomen international de calatori si familii calatoare? Ce cauta ei de fapt?
Va spun eu, interiorul. Sunt in cautare de “noi” in afara sistemului.
Daca fiecare dintre noi, simte, crede (sau nu) in existenta unui Dumezeu, energii sau forte exterioare, de ce traim prefacandu-ne ca nu este atat de importanta?
Unde suntem noi, cine suntem noi si ce le predam mai departe copiilor nostri?
Eu nu vreau dar simt animalul si prostia din mine si numai vagabondajul in familie ma umanizeaza.
Atat de educat sunt!
In consecinta, cred ca scoala traditionala si structura sociala si-au atins termenul de valabilitate.
Spun asta, pentru ca familia trebuie sa fie familie, educatia trebuie sa fie dragoste transmisa fara vreo obligativitate si a educa ar trebui sa insemne sa creezi caractere, sa cresti oameni.
Nu cred ca se mai intampla asta, ceea ce-a fost odata o unealta acum a devenit o cusca.
Dati drumul la suflet si multe din problemele omenirii se vor rezolva!
Valentin Huciu
Posted at 13:14h, 06 MarchDe acord. Odată și odată cu toții ne vom da seama că sistemul educațional este expirat. Măcar dacă s-ar încuraja mai mult creativitatea și comunicarea și tot ar fi ceva. Baftă!