People are very lost and unaware of their own interior.
This is why we have a labile psyche driven by the incoherence between our outer world, to which we identify ourselves, and our inner reality which we deny.
A passion is the therapy through which the inside displays itself to the own self.
Finding a passion means finding a tool that helps explore and express the inside.
The modern world implies monetizing this passion in the evolutional social system based on profit and consumption.
Education means a norm, norm and obedience to the social structure, a process of externalizing the inner reality. Family is in this case the first institution of the social mechanism.
School will disappear together with the church that created it and with the consumption – driven society that normalized it.
The school of the future is a club of free children growing up understanding that they are spiritual beings guided by their conscience, not rules.
Education means educating a human to be human.
Wake up, people, can’t you see you are robots who zombify your kids?
Yes, primary school should disappear and every parent should find himself with a child in his care until 14 years of age.
How I would love to see this, after all normal, thing.
From 14 to 25 years old is the time when passions are discovered. We have so many to try, from violin to shoemaking.
We begin to learn after we know who we are and what we like to learn, by passion.
And the rest of the life is waiting for you to learn, love, be happy, work.
If you still wake up your kids and rush them to school it’s proof that you don’t know who you are and what you are doing on this planet.
Lumea este foarte pierduta si inconstienta vis-a-vis de propriul interior.
Din aceasta cauza avem un psihic labil dictat de incoerenta realitatii exterioare cu care ne-am identificat si incapacitatea traducerii realitatii interioare pe care o negam.
O pasiune reprezinta terapia prin care interiorul se dezvaluie eului personal.
Gasirea unei pasiuni semnifica gasirea propriei unelte cu care iti cercetezi si dai expresie interiorului.
Lumea moderna implica si monetizarea propriei pasiuni ca si sistem social evolutiv bazat pe profit si consum.
Educatia inseamna normalizare, normatizare si supunere in fata structurii sociale, un proces de externalizare a realitatii interne.
Familia este in acest sens prima institutie a mecanismului social.
Scoala va disparea odata cu biserica care a creat-o si odata cu societatea bazata pe consum ce-a normalizat-o.
Scoala viitorului este un club al copiilor liberi ce cresc intelegand ca sunt fiinte spirituale ghidate de constiinta nu de reguli.
Educatie inseamna a educa un om sa fie om.
Treziti-va frate odata, nu realizati ca sunteti roboti si va zombificati copiii?
Da, sa dispara scoala primara si fiecare parinte sa se trezeasca cu copiii pe cap pana la 14 ani.
Ce mi-ar place sa vad chestia asta, de altfel normala.
De la 14 la 25 e timpul in care se descopera pasiunile. Avem de incercat atat de multe, de la vioara la cizmarie.
Sa invatam incepem dupa ce stim cine suntem si ce ne place sa facem.
Si-ti ramane toata viata in fata, sa inveti, sa iubesti, sa te bucuri, sa muncesti.
Daca maine va mai treziti copiii si-i luati pe sus ca sa-i trimiteti la scoala, denota ca nu stiti cine sunteti si ce cautati pe aceasta planeta.
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