

This morning Carla was doing some statistics. In 75 days we drove 1700 kilometers, with an average of 23 kilometers per day. 

Our friend, Argentinian Pancho who rides his bicycle has an average of 100 kilometers a day. 

If we left traces on the asphalt people would think we were a snail. Anyway, we are not in a race, I was just saying. 

We decided to increase our average so that we don’t fail our driving exams and drove all day. 

The kids offered us a quieter driving situation today as they immersed in their reading.

We ate on the go, we sang, played word games and had fun with Ana who invented words. 

If you didn’t know “roncait” means “to snore” and it results from “roncar” in Portuguese that means “to snore” and the Romanian “sforait”, meaning “snore”. 

Ana already speaks 3 languages, Romanian, Portuguese and Spanish and her language is some kind of funny Romspaguese.

Today we entered the state of Espirito Santo, meaning “Holy Spirit”. 

One of the biggest feasts of this state is the feast of the polenta. The party lasts for 8 days and starts with the cooking of a giant polenta of over a tone. 

Although we avoided the capital and didn’t enter Victoria, we drove 300 more kilometers and stopped near Sera, a small, holy spirited village, just like the state that it is part of.

We had such a big appetite for the polenta we have been talking so much of and lest we should have a meltdown, we set the stove for one big polenta that was going to be dipped in sour cream and covered in shredded cheese. 

Bon appetite to us all!


Astazi de dimineata Carla facea calcule statistice. In 75 de zile am parcurs 1700 de kilometri, avand o medie de aproape 23 de kilometri pe zi. Prietenul nostru, argentinianul Pancho care calatoeste cu bicicleta, are o medie de 100 de kilometri pe zi.

Daca lasam urme pe asfalt, ne-ar fi confundat lumea cu un melc. In fine, nu ne intrecem cu nimeni doar ziceam.

Am decis sa ne saltam media sa nu ramanem corijenti si am condus toata ziua. 

Copiii ne-au acordat mai multe momente in care sa conducem in liniste azi pentru ca s-au retras in citit. 

Am mancat din mers, am cantat, am jucat fazan si ne-am distrat cu Ana care inventa cuvinte. Daca nu stiati “roncait” inseamna sforait si vine din Portughezul “roncar”, care inseamna a sforai.

Ana vorbeste deja 3 limbi, romana, spaniola si portugheza si limbajul ei este o romspagheza foarte amuzanta.

Astazi am intrat in statul “Espirito Santo” care in traducere directa inseamna “Sfantul Duh”. 

Una dintre cele mai mari sarbatori ale statului Sfantului Duh este Festivalul Mamaligii. Petrecerea tine 8 zile si incepe cu rasturnarea unei mamaligi imense, de peste o tona.

Desi am evitat capitala si nu am intrat in Victoria, nu am parcurs mai mult de 300 de kilometri si ne-am oprit langa Sera, un mic orasel sfant si cu duh, ca si statul din care face parte.

De pofta si ca sa nu ni se umfle tatele, ne-am pus sa facem o mamaliguta pe inserat, o balacim prin smantana si-i dam cu branza rasa pe deasupra.

Pai, sa ne fie de bine, zic!

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