

I spent all day long on the roads. Romanian Pete lent me his car. This boosted my efficiency in treating our sick car. 

Being left alone at “Wuthering Heights”, with the front bearings broken, she really missed us!

The road to the post office for picking up the package full of circles and metal balls has been sprinkled with a pit stop for espresso refueling. 

Aris lift up a cake on the car jack, then we speed off. 

Maybe too relaxed but with the package in the hands, we realized we forgot the car keys, at home, in the community. 

Aldeia is only reached by boat or a 4×4 car and since Pete’s car is not 4×4, the community boat was the only option. 

We have been rebuked that we really like in the city, so now we have a tax on crossing the river, two bucks, one away, to temper down our city exits! 

Others, pass people the same river at half price but what to say, the community has to produce something, right?

We got back in the evening with a sane new bearing. 

Lavinia celebrated with a glass of wine, I had a cup of coffee. 

Her glass had a leg and my cup was missing the handle. 

After the first sip, Lavinia looked at me with a suave smile and whispered in my ear!

Other than that, nothing, all’s good… 


Astazi am petrecut ziua pe drumuri. Petrica mi-a imprumutat masina lui, fapt ce mi-a inzecit eficienta in tratarea masinii noastre bolnave.

Ramasa singura la o rascruce de vanturi, cu rulmentii din fata rupti, ne-a dus lipsa!

Drumul la posta pentru ridicarea pachetului plin de cercuri si bile de metal a fost presarat cu o oprire la boxe pentru alimentarea cu espresso.

Aris a ridicat o prajitura pe cric, dupa care am calcat acceleratia pana la fund.

Poate ca prea relaxati dar cu pachetul in mana, ne-am dat seama ca am uitat cheile de la masina, acasa, in comunitate. 

In Aldeia nu se ajunge decat cu barca sau cu 4×4 si cum masina lui Petrica nu e 4×4, barca comunitatii ne-a ramas singura optiune.

Ni s-a reprosat ca prea ne place noua la oras, asa ca acum avem taxa pentru trecerea raului. 10 lei dus, ca sa ni se mai tempereze din iesiri! 

Altii in alte locuri te trec acelasi rau la jumatate de pret dar ce sa mai zic, trebuie sa produca si comunitatea ceva.

Ne-am intors pe seara cu masina pansata la roata.

Lavinia a sarbatorit cu un pahar de vin, eu am baut o cafea. P

aharul ei avea picior iar cestii mele-i lipsea o toarta.

Dupa prima sorbitura, Lavinia se uita gales la mine si cu un zambet suav, imi sopteste la ureche!

In rest, nimic, toate bune… 

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