Itacaré has around 16 beaches in its menu, with or without waves, rocky, deserted, with a river, in the golf, with palm trees, coral reefs… an offer for every taste so we went to Ribeira beach today.
The beach is genius, in the shape of a half-moon and surrounded by the Atlantic jungle. To access it you have to cross a river a few meters wide and not very deep.
After your legs freeze in the river’s water, the ocean seems hot to you, a very strange sensation.
Aris and Carla surfed all day and Ana played and danced ballet in the waves at the shore. She would have liked to surf herself, but we didn’t take her surfboard because it’s big and heavy and we didn’t know the beach so she had to be satisfied with the role of a spectator today.
At sunset, I couldn’t believe it but in the distance, I could see whales. After waiting for two weeks in Prado for a good moment to go see the whales, now they cross our path. We called the kids, we made a show, we shouted, we wept and we looked in the distance where the sky was pink and tens of whales were jumping.
There were lots of them and the moment was magical.
I hugged Lavinia and I kept my eyes on the fairy horizon that was rolling before them.
I don’t know, really, what I did to deserve this, but thank you.
Other than this, nothing, I say nothing!
Itacaré are vreo 16 plaji in meniu, cu valuri, fara valuri, stancoase, pustii, cu rau, cu golf, cu palmieri cu corali, cu de toate pentru toti asa ca astazi am luat drumul Plajii Ribeira. Plaja este geniala, sub forma de semiluna si inconjurata de jungla Atlantica.
Pentru a o accesa trebuie sa treci un rau lat de cativa metri si adanc de-un cot.
Dupa ce-ti congelezi picioarele trecand raul, apa oceanului ti se pare fierbinte, o senzatie foarte stranie.
Aris si Carla au surfat toata ziua iar Ana s-a jucat si a dansat balet in valurile de la mal. Ar fi vrut sa surfeze si ea dar nu i-am luat placa de surf pentru ca este imensa si grea si nu cunosteam plaja asa ca s-a multumit doar cu rolul de spectator astazi.
La apus, nu mi-a venit ochilor sa cred dar in zare am vazut saltand balene. Dupa ce-am asteptat in Prado, 2 saptamani un moment prielnic pentru a putea vedea balenele, acum ne trec ele prin fata saltand.
Am strigat la copii, am facut chiloman, am urlat, am lacrimat si ne-am uitat in zare la cerul roz si la zeci de balene saltand.
Au fost multe balene si momentul a fost super magic.
Am luat-o pe Lavinia in brate si am ramas cu ochii rostogoliti spre orizontul de basm ce mi se derula in cale.
Nu stiu frate ce-am facut sa merit toate astea, dar multumesc.
In rest, nimic, nu mai zic nimic!
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