

After two months, the raw food experiment ended. 

You won’t believe why I’ve been craving all this time. 

Wholemeal bread and butter, fried eggs and gorgonzola! 

In our family, everyone is a specialist in something. 

Carla is the baker, Lavinia and Ana are the confectioners, Aris the taster and I take care of things that ferment, like yogurt, apple cider vinegar or sauerkraut. 

Yesterday, our beautiful baker baked two loaves of bread. 

She kneaded them only as she knows, sprinkled them with seven different kinds of seeds and when she took them out of the oven I felt my tits swell of lust.

I didn’t want to force myself and I said bluntly:

“F**k the diet, that’s enough!”

She smiled with her blue eyes and said nothing but from the sudden body movement I understood a ‘do what you want’!

I had forgotten the feeling of satiety and the sluggishness of a full belly. 

When you eat only salads, you eat until you have enough, you can’t fill yourself to the brim and you don’t feel tired after the meal. 

I felt very good eating only raw, much more energetic and with very high vitality.

I will keep a large part of my daily menu still based on raw vegetables and fruits but from time to time I will enjoy some sushi, a pizza, an eggplant dish, or cabbage on the oven with polenta.

Today I also stylized the WORK WITH US page. 

My sister noticed that the precedent was very vague in expression and I started to shed light.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Dupa doua luni, experimentul mancarii crude a luat sfarsit. 

Nu o sa credeti de ce mi-a fost pofta in tot acest timp. 

De paine integrala cu unt, oua ochiuri si de gorgonzola! 

In familia noastra fiecare este specialist in cate ceva. 

Carla este brutarul, Lavinia cu Ana sunt cofetarele, Aris degustatorul iar eu ma ocup de chestii care fermenteaza, gen iaurt, otet de mere sau varza murata. 

Ieri, brutareasa noastra frumoasa a copt doua paini. 

Le-a framantat numai cum ea stie, le-a presarat cu 7 feluri diferite de seminte iar cand le-a scos din cuptor am simtit ca mi se umfla tatele de pofta. 

N-am vrut sa ma chinui si i-am zis raspicat: 

– La naiba cu dieta, de ajuns! 

A zambit cu ochii ei albastri si n-a zis nimic dar din intoarcerea brusca a corpului am inteles un ‘faci ce vrei’!

Uitasem senzatia de satietate si de moleseala unui pantec plin. 

Cand mananci numai salate, mananci pana-ti este de ajuns, nu te poti umple pana la refuz si nu te simti molesit dupa masa. 

M-am simtit foarte bine mancand numai crud, mult mai energic si cu o vitalitate foarte crescuta. 

Voi pastra o mare parte din meniul zilnic in continuare bazat pe cruditati dar din cand in cand ma voi bucura de un sushi, o pizza o mancare de vinete sau o varza scazuta cu mamaliga. 

Astazi am mai stilizat pagina WORK WITH US

Sora-mea a remarcat ca precedenta era foarte neclara in exprimare si m-am apucat sa fac lumina. 

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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