Man is a social, rational animal who irrationally uses the social to hide the fact that he is an animal. We have visited other communities in the past, in 2013 I stayed with Lavinia for a month and a half in the Amazonian jungle, in Iquitos, Peru, with a Shipibo tribe, in 2015 we stayed with the kids in Tamera community in Portugal and then we lived for more than a year in the Sacred Vally of the Incas in the Taray community.
We try to be social and rational plants and, like a plant that needs good soil to grow beautifully, we, as human-plants, need fertile soil to evolve. Our medium, our soil, are people.
We travel to learn about the people, but especially about ourselves and when we enter a community is like stepping on an island, we step into a paradigm of the social life where people chose to live without competing.
When you (just) live you have chances to realize who you are and what you are doing in your life, when you compete, you have a chance to win.
We are very curious to go and discover the story of Aldeia community and to share ideas and good spirit.
In the evening we took the kids out for an ice cream and then left them by themselves in the empty camping (this is for my mother-in-law, if she would have been alive, because my mother wouldn’t be scared. We miss you, Paula!) and I invited Lavinia to a live music concert.
It was beautiful.
I took her back home a little after 1 o’clock.
Other than that, nothing, maybe we went to bed!
Omul este un animal social, rational, care se foloseste irational de social pentru a ascunde faptul ca este un animal!
In trecut am mai vizitat comunitati, in anul 2013 am stat o luna si jumatate cu Lavinia in jungla Amazoniana din Iquitos, Peru, impreuna cu un trib Shipibo, in 2015 am stat de data aceasta si cu copiii, in comunitatea Tamera din Portugalia dupa care am trait un an si ceva in Valea Sacra a Incasilor in comunitatea din Taray.
Incercam sa fim niste plante sociale si rationale si precum o planta care are nevoie de un sol fertil pentru a creste frumos, asa si noi oameni-plante, avem nevoie de pamant fertil pentru a evolua.
Mediul nostru, pamantul nostru sunt oamenii.
Calatorim ca sa invatam despre lume dar mai ales despre noi si cand intram intr-o comunitate este ca si cum pasim pe o insula, pasim intr-o paradigma a vietii sociale in care oamenii au ales sa traiasca fara sa se intreaca.
Cand traiesti ai sanse sa-ti dai seama cine esti si ce cauti in viata ta, daca te intreci, s-ar putea sa castigi!
Suntem foarte curiosi sa mergem si sa descoparim povestea comunitatii de la Aldeia, sa impartim idei si voie buna.
Pe seara am iesit cu copiii la o inghetata dupa care i-am lasat singuri in campingul gol (asta-i pentru soacra-mea, daca ar mai fi trait, pentru ca mama nu se sperie! Ne lipsesti Paula!) si am invitat-o pe Lavinia la un concert de muzica live in direct!
A fost gigea!
Am adus-o acasa cu putin dupa ora unu.
In rest, nimic, poate ca ne-am culcat!
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