

We spent 2 beautiful weeks in this place. We liked it here very much, with a lot of space available, being off-season. So for 2 weeks we were the only clients here, except for a Brazilian family that we told you about and who stayed only for a few days. Unfortunately.

So we got used by now to go check on the little chicken on the lake early in the morning, to have coffee surrounded by butterflies, birds and color.

So there we were going to tell the owners that we want to stay for one more week.

Lavinia had already developed a relationship with Elodia who kept telling her of the hardships of working the land, that workers come for two days and then don’t return, that she was not feeling well, having troubles with her joints and her eyes, that a mother goat died of depression, it’s a pity to feed them and then they don’t get to eat them because they die. Often in the evening she asked me to help with something, because they had a beautiful place, they were hard-working, but nobody to help them.

So there we were at the negotiations table, asking nicely for a discount for the 3 off-season weeks.

A discount? But you come from Europe, you have money, we have bills to pay and houses to take care of.

But you don’t have anyone else here, we buy every day jam, eggs, bread, vegetables… Lavinia was already very upset, therefore I handed the money and said we were leaving.

Thank you, this is the money for the camping, but the kids used the pool. So we had to pay for using the pool although we hadn’t been informed that the pool was extra charge. We hadn’t asked, indeed. We haven’t been told about the extra charge for the pool because we didn’t ask from the beginning about it. Strange perspective!

Anyways, we said that we are not comfortable anymore and would leave. We paid and then were given notice that we only had one hour until check-out. I’ll run and pack now, we are out of time! Say, what!? :))

PS: We will not hold a grudge on Elodia for not having a bigger heart. We have a path of our own and we accept what life brings us, good or bad. After all, in life you either win or you learn!




Am petrecut doua saptamani minunate in acest loc. Cum ne-a placut foarte mult, bucurandu-ne de tot spatiul posibil fiind in extrasezon asa ca pret de 2 saptamani am fost singurii clienti, exceptand un cuplu de Brazilieni de care v-am povestit, ce-au stat doar 2 zile; din pacate! 🙂

Asa ca ne-am obisnuit deja sa verificam in fiecare dimineata cum ne trezim, familiile de ratuste de pe lac, sa ne bem cafeaua inconjurati de fluturi, pasari si culoare.

Ca doi fluturasi, merg cu Lavinia sa vorbim cu propietarii sa le spunem ca vrem sa mai stam o saptamana. Lavinia deja dezvoltase o relatie cu Elodia, care-i povestea ori de cate ori simtea nevoie cat de greu ii este sa munceasca domeniul fara ajutor, ca oamenii vin sa o ajute dar pleaca dupa 2 zile, ca-i bolnava ca o lasa ochii si picioarele, ca i-a murit o oita mama de depresie, si ca-i pacat ca le da de mancare dar nu apuca  sa  le taie ca-i mor inainte de vreme.

Deseori seara ma intreba daca am putea sa-i ajutam cu ceva, ca au domeniu frumos, oamenii sunt muncitori dar nu le calca nimeni in batatura. Deci uitati-ne la masa de negocieri, cum cerem frumos ca pentru o perioada de 3 saptamani in extrasezon, am vrea si noi un discount. Discount? Nu, apai veniti din Europa, aveti bani, noi avem facturi de platit si case de intretinut.

Dar nu aveti pe nimeni aici, cumparam zilnic gemuri, oua, painica, legume…..Lavinia ramasese blocata, eu zic , in cazul asta platim si plecam.

Ea : Multumesc, astia-s banii pe cazare dar copiii au intrat la piscina. Asa ca am fost taxati in plus si pentru folosirea piscinei, pai daca nu am intrebat daca-i inclusa in pretul de cazare?!Nu ne-a spus de la inceput, pt. ca nici noi nu am anuntat ca intram! Da, buna perspectiva.

In fine am zis ca nu ne mai simtim bine in aceste conditii si ca vom pleca. Am platit dupa care am fost anuntati ca avem doar o ora sa parasim complexul, fiind oarecum deja intarziati, check-out-ul a trecut!

Fug repede sa impachetez, nu mai am timp! Ce?!?! 🙂

PS: Nu o sa-i purtam pica Elodiei ca nu au avut sufletul mai larg. Noi suntem pe drumul nostru si acceptam ceea ce ni se intampla, bune sau rele. Exista o vorba, in viata ori castigi, ori inveti!

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