After Carla did school-work with the grandparents over Skype, making them stay at the computer for a few hours, then she changed her attention to us.
And she had our attention for the rest of the day. On what topic? Well, being over the drawing phase and chatting with another un-schooled girl from I-don’t-know-where, she changed her focus to modeling.
So she organized a photo shooting for a possible booking. While candidly posing for the camera, she was telling me of the changes she wants for her website.
I won’t give details. The mind of a child, left unleashed, can circle the universe in a few instants.
Let’s watch Carla now, as long as she needed so much attention. 🙂
Dupa ce Carla a facut lectii pe skype cu bunicii, acaparandu-i total pentru cateva ore, a trecut la noi.
Asa ca ne-a ocupat tot restul zilei. Cu ce? Pai a lasat desenul pentru ca nu mai stie ce sa deseneze si tot urmarind si conversand cu o alta unschool-erita nu stiu de pe unde, i-a picat pe modelling. Asa ca si-a organizat o sedinta foto pentru un eventual booking?!
In timp ce poza gingasa pentru mama ei, imi tinea un discurs despre modificarile pe care le vrea la site-ul ei. Nu intru in detalii. Mintea unui copil, lasata liber, poate da inconjorul universului in cateva clipe.
Haideti sa ne uitam la Carla in continuare, din moment ce a avut nevoie de atata atentie. Normal, nu? 🙂
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