

Today we got an invitation to go fishing with a fishing-net.

I realize what an impact the environment where you grow up can have in you. I remember we were in Sweden 5 years ago and had one of the scariest experience of my life!

We had been invited by the family that we were staying with, to go see the free unstressed cattle.

We were with Oscar who, happy to see the cows, he started barking joyfully.

Here I had that tigress protecting the cubs instinct. You ever experienced a herd of angry cattle running mooing towards you? You wonder what I did? Well, I froze! I took the kids in my arms and started running like crazy.

I am used to stray dogs on the streets of Bucharest, not cows. For me cows are like bears, they do have big candid eyes, but if they get angry they can kill you!

Anyways, Claudio, our host, caught a few little fish. About 1 kilo. Small. I and Lavinia tried to keep up with Claudio, despite the clouds of mosquitoes, fast waters and hungry leeches.

We returned wet, covered in mud, the kids almost didn’t recognize us. We don’t have any pictures from our fishing experience because the rough road forbade any electronic devices.

In the evening, our biggest challenge was who gets to cut the fish.

“You’re looking at me as if being born in Tulcea gets me the honor to always cut the fish!” Lavinia said.

In the end we decided that the ones that survive by the end of the day should be set free so two fish were put in the pond where the water hen lives.


Astazi am fost invitati la o partida de pescuit la “plasa” sau navod, nu stiu exact cum se numeste.

Imi dau seama ce influenta puternica are mediul in care te dezvolti. Imi amintesc de acum vreo 5 ani prin nordul Suediei cand am trecut prin cea mai mare teroare a vietii mele! Am fost invitati de familia la care stateam sa vedem cum se cresc vacutele libere si nestresate.

Eram cu Oscar dupa noi, bineinteles, care a  inceput sa latre la vacute fericit ca are cu cine se juca. Aici a intervenit spiritul de mama  ce-si protejeaza odraslele. Stiti cum e cand o cireada de zeci de vaci furioase alearga inspre tine mugind din toti plamanii?! Va intreabati ce am facut, nu? Ei bine, am inghetat!

Am luat copiii in brate si am inceput sa fug ingrozit.

Sunt obisnuit cu cainii vagabonzi de pe strazile Bucurestiului, nu cu vaci!

Pentru mine vacile sunt ca ursii, cu ochii aia mari, blanzi ce-i drept dar tot te  pot omora daca se enerveaza!

In fine, a prins Claudio, gazda noastra, ceva pestisori. Vreun kil. Mici.

Impreuna cu Lavinia, am incercat sa stam aproape de Claudio, in ciuda norilor de tantari, a apelor repezi si a lipitorilor flamande. A meritat experienta! Ne-am intors uzi, pana la brau si plini de noroi de nu ne-au recunscut copiii.

N-avem poze de la partida de pescuit pentru ca drumul anevoios si oarecum periculos pana la locul cu pricina nu ne-a permis posesia nici unui obiect electronic.

Seara, cea mai mare problema a fost cine curata pestele. “Te uiti asa la mine de parca m-am nascut in Tulcea si deci mi-am castigat titlul de profesionist in curatat pesti!” a zis Lavinia.

Pana la urma am decis ca pana la sfarsitul serii care peste scapa cu viata isi castiga dreptul la libertate in lacul unde traieste gainusa de apa.

Asa ca doi dintre ei au fost eliberati!

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