This morning started with a novel and happy event.
On the lake that is near-by there lives a very beautiful kind of duck with red beak. We thought it was a duck, but the locals told us it is a water hen. The children were very excited to see the newborn little chicken with bizarre eyes like little blueberries, not larger than a quail egg and very cute!
We are currently very busy, doing a lot of on-line work for our sites, besides the other clients that we work with, so all day consists mostly of picture choosing, writing, film editing and, not last, mail replies. Lots of e-mails lately!
Interrupted by a sudden internet failure, I decided to wash my thoughts in the swimming pool together with the kids. After a few clumsy dives, I returned to the “office”.
At 10 o’clock in the evening I was wondering how do “the normal” people manage with time? I hadn’t gone to work, hadn’t driven the kids to school, hadn’t gone to pay any bills and still considered the day all full.
Lavinia made a quick supper and then we relaxed a little caught by the light of dusk. We talked less and felt more.
Then we continued the in-line work and even some detective time because our Argentinian friend had been missing for 10 days. He is ok, he just wondered in an area with no signal.
At the end of the day we felt grateful that we were together, as a family, in the nature! That day had some beautiful moments, but somehow even we felt that time is short. At 23:00 we all fell asleep after a day of work and swimming pool play.
Astazi am avut o dimineata foarte fericit-inedita. Pe lacul langa care suntem campati are cuib o rata tare frumoasa cu cioc rosu. Rata am crezut noi, localnicii ne-au spus ca este o gaina de apa! Copiii au fost incantati sa vada micii puisori usor diformi cu ochi mari ca doua afine puse la un capsor ca un ou de prepelita, haiosi foc!
Trecem printr-o perioada in care muncim mult, ne dezvoltam pe online, avem si ceva clienti pentru care lucram, asa ca toata ziua am petrecut-o alegand poze, scriind post-uri, montand filmulete si nu in ultimul rand am raspuns la mailuri! Ca ne umplem! 🙂
Intrerupt de o mare cadere de internet am decis sa-mi spal gandurile in piscina alaturi de copii. Dupa cateva salt-uri amuzante si scufundari stangace, am revenit la “birou”!
Pe la vreo 10 PM ma intrebam cum se descurca lumea in viata normala cu timpul?!
Eu nu am plecat la servici, nu am dus pe nimeni la scoala (si as fi avut 3 de dus!!!), n-am iesit sa platesc nicio factura si ziua mi s-a parut plina ochi! Lavinia a pregatit ceva usor de mancare, apoi ne-am relaxat o vreme pierduti in lumina apusului.
Am vorbit putin si am simtit mai mult. Apoi am continuat treaba on line si am facut o munca de detectivi, intrucat prietenul nostru argentinian disparuse de zece zile. Am dat de el in dimineata asta, spre linistea noastra, nu se intamplase nimic doar ca “l-a furat peisajul” intr-o zona fara semnal!
Cert este, ca la sfarsit de zi ne-am bucurat ca am fost impreuna, in familie, in natura! Ziua a fost presarata cu evenimente frumoase dar sa stiti ca nici noua nu ne-a ajuns timpul! Pe la vreo 23.00, am cazut cu totii secerati dupa o zi de munca si de piscina!
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