
Prudentópolis, 15 October 2017 – Travel Diary

We had a very relaxing day today.

Brazil is a wonderful country and we are just beginning to know it.

Where we are right now there is a sub-tropical climate and on September 21st spring “officially” started on the South American continent therefore we are experiencing a dance of the nature full of colors, liveliness and sounds.

Couples of loud parrots and all sorts of birds, all very twittering and colored, flowers, butterflies and sunsets as full of color as the nature below.

So we decided to go farther into the nature and we went fishing.

We had a lot of fun on the road, that is a 2 km long trail at the end of which we entered a paradise like place.

As for the fishing, we ended up with 2 little fish which Lavinia cooked for Becka so at least the cat was delighted.

On our way back we walked by a field of strawberries and we couldn’t really refrain ourselves so… we bought around 3 kg of hand picked strawberries and closed the day with movies and fruits!















Astazi a fost o zi de relax total. Brazilia este o tara minunata si de abia am inceput sa o cunoastem. Suntem intr-o zona cu un climat subtropical si cum de pe 21 Septembrie a inceput Primavara pe continentul Sud American, avem parte de un dans al naturii plin de culori, de viata si de sunete. Cupluri de papagali strigatori si mii de alte pasari care mai de care mai ciripitoare si colorate, flori, fluturi si apusuri ce parca oglindesc natura multicolorata. Asa ca am decis sa iesim mai mult in natura si am plecat la pescuit. Ne-am distrat pe drum, trebuind sa mergem pe o poteca cativa kilometri dar am ajuns la un loc paradisiac, unde numai si natura formam universul perfect al locului. Cat despre pescuit, ce sa zicem… 2 pestisori, cam zece centimetrii fiecare, dar o sa radeti; Lavinia i-a gatit pentru Becka asa ca macar masa pisicii a fost asigurata. Noi, la intoarcere, am trecut pe langa un camp plin de capsuni si neputand sa ne abtinem, romani fiind, ce credeti?! Am cumparat 3 kg de capsuni alese pe-o spranceana si am inchis seara cu film si capsuni!

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