After the rain the sun will shine, right? Today we worked all morning to organize the lunch. We want in the future to try a week of raw diet. Now we are in a preliminary stage where we learn about this subject. This raw thing came to our minds a while ago and as I was speaking with Lavinia about this we received an email from a Romanian family moved to Argentina with an invitation to visit them. A very nice family; and Argentina is in our list too so we will most certainly visit them next year. The cool thing is that Ana is a nutritionist and her husband Cristian is a naturopath (http://dr-camfs.negocio.site) and they were more than happy to help us with helpful info. So we have a full digital library of books that we already started to read. As we are more documented on this subject the more we feel the need to go into a transition period. We are not there, but we are getting close! So Mom, besides lots of fruits we made some bruschetta; two types, one of tomatoes, garlic and olive oil and one of chicken, pickled cucumbers, China onion (a mini spring onion) and bio mayo. That was all. That was enough for dinner also, I mean that all day we ate fruit, Nutella on bread and a bruschetta. We drank only coconut water. We love coconut water. One coconut is $0.8 delivered to our door. At the supermarket it is $1.5. I don’t know what happened to the delivery guy or it was something we did because until we got the money he used to deliver on credit. When we could pay, we paid for the 10 we had to pay for and bought 10 more. And he gave us 20 as present! We kept saying that they are too many but he kept insisting. Well, if that’s the deal why not better leave the whole truck load here! :))
We let him leave, the delivery guy whose name I din’t know, I think it ends in —anta! 🙂
We paid another visit to the house we want to rent because kids insisted. As our budget can’t fit the furniture now and the house is empty, we will let our imagination create a project of interior decorating with two precise directions: minimum costs, maximum satisfaction.
A thing that about 99% of this planet wants.
We will see what will turn out! We’ll keep you posted!
Dupa ploaie apare si soarele, nu?! Astazi am muncit toata dimineata cu totii ca sa organizam pranzul. Ne dorim ca in viitor sa incercam o dieta raw timp de o luna. N-avem nimic, suntem sanatosi tun dar ne place sa experimentam. Acum suntem intr-o faza incipienta unde ne documentam despre subiect. Treaba asta cu raw, raw-vegan ne-a trecut prin cap acu’ ceva vreme in urma si cum vorbeam cu Lavinia hop un mail de la o familie de romani stabiliti in Argentina si o invitatie sa-i vizitam. Foarte frumoasa familia, iar Argentina este pe lista noastra de la anu’ asa ca-i vom vizita cu siguranta. Faza tare a fost ca Ana este nutritionist iar Cristi doctor naturopat (http://dr-camfs.negocio.site) si au fost mai mult decat bucurosi sa ne ajute cu informatii utile. Asa ca ne-am umplut calculatorul cu minuni de carti pe care deja am inceput sa le citim. Cum avansam in bagajul de cunostinte raw, apare imperios necesara o perioada de tranzitie. Nu suntem nici acolo dar ne apropiem! Asa ca mami, in afara de un milion de fructe am preparat niste bruschette. De doua feluri, una cu rosii, usturoi si ulei de masline iar alta cu salata de pui cu castraveciori murati, ceapa china (e o mini ceapa verde) si maioneza bio. Cam atat! Ne-a ajuns si pentru seara, adica fructe, nutela pe paine si cate o bruscheta ne-a fost masa pe ziua de azi. N-am baut decat apa de cocos. Este geniala apa asta de cocos. 0.8$ e unul, adus acasa. La supermarket este 1.5$. Nenea livratorul nu stiu ce-a facut sau ce-am facut noi mai bine zis, ca pana sa avem bani ne-a dat pe datorie. Cand i-am platit, erau vreo 10 in credit si i-am mai platit inca 10, sa avem! El ne-a dat cadou 20 de nuci! Bai nene, stai asa ca sunt multe, avem acum nuci sa ne punem si-n cap! El nu si nu, cadou! Bine frate, mai cumpar atunci, descarca masina! :)))
L-am lasat sa plece pe nenea al carui nume nu-l cunosc inca, dar pare sa se termine in -raciun! 🙂
Am mai dat o tura pe la casa la insistentele copiilor. Cum bugetul nu ne permite mobila iar casa este goala, ne vom lasa imaginatia sa conduca un proiect de amenajare interioara cu doua directii bine stabilite: costuri minime, satisfactii maxime! 🙂
Da, cam ce vrea 99,9% din planeta asta! 🙂
Sa vedem,sa vedem….ce-o sa iaaaasa! Va tinem la curent! :))
Posted at 11:27h, 11 DecemberDa’ ce aveti in lighean?salata de pui?tranzitie raw!asa vreau si eu! 🙂